Friday, November 9, 2012

Happy Thursday! 

Prayer:  Lord, God, I pray that all of my moments might be given for Your glory and honor today.  I pray that you would grant me the courage and wisdom to honor You with every word, every thought, and every action. Amen.

“Commit your works to the LORD, and your thoughts will be established.”
Proverbs 16: 3

Two of my favorite books to read when I need to think things through are Hind’s Feet on High Places and Mountains of Spices, both by Hannah Hurnnard.  The reason I am drawn to these two books is because the main character in the book desires more than anything else to be in the presence of the Shepherd and do whatever the will of the Shepherd calls her to do. 

In one of the scenes the Shepherd shows her how the hind (female red deer) and her fawn make their way up the mountain.  As the Shepherd and his companion watch these two graceful animals they observe that the mother makes a leap and the fawn follows behind placing its feet in the exact foot holds as its mother.  The mother knows just how far to leap so that her baby can make the leap successfully. Now, the mother can leap up the mountain with far greater strides due to more powerful strength, but as she is teaching her young to leap she holds back. 

Our joy comes when we walk the path that God has laid out for us.  When we commit our life to God, God will add the riches and blessings to our future because we have been willing to follow God’s powerful purpose for our lives.  When we take those steps of faith we are still walking forward in faith, trusting in God’s faithfulness and clinging to the grip of grace and glory of the Holy One.

Take joy in the journey.  Wear comfortable shoes and get some sleep.  Count your blessings and say your prayers.  Love you, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am only moved by what I believe and I believe God.

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