from Austin Street
Happy Saturday! All is well here at 811. I think vacation is
officially over. (Laundry is done.) Today was spent on Saturday errands; bank,
grocery store, Walmart etc…I also have begun the enormous task of printing the
pictures from our Alaskan cruise. I learned to do it very easily and with small
expense at the Photo Canter at Walmart. I got as far as Ketchikan and stopped
for the day. Bruce and I will return there tomorrow to work on them some more.
I have almost 500 photos, but will not print them all. Also, I need to purchase
a new candle. The one I light each night as I begin my meditation journal is
almost used up. If you are reading this Arla, thank you again for the candle.
This candle has become a very important part of my quiet time Maybe while at
Walmart tomorrow…
Dear God,
I come to you right now, just as I am. You accept receive and love me. Illuminate
my life as this wonderful candle lights my office and keeps the light of you
unquenchable love and hope always before me. I praise you that all fear and darkness
abandons the space in which you inhabit especially the space you and I have
created in my heart. I love you Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Tonight my
meditation tells the story of Charlotte Elliott. She was an artist, singer,
composer and a spirited, charismatic woman. When she was thirty years old a
disease captured her body causing her to be an invalid. She became depressed
and gave up on her former activities and creativity. One day an evangelist
named Caesar Milan visited Ms. Elliott and shared with her the value of her
life and her importance to God. He told her that she must come to God just as
she was at that moment in her life. She responded to this pastor’s words and
began a life of faith and placed her illness in the hands of God; the master
healer. Peace flooded her soul and in response to this blessed peace she wrote
the fine old hymn, Just As I Am.
When I am experiencing
darkness I too draw near to God and I claim Psalm 51: 10-13 Create in me a
clean heart O God. Renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from your Presence
and take not thy Holy Spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of my salvation
and uphold me with thy free Spirit. Then I will teach transgressors thy ways and
sinners will be converted unto Thee. “ I do not know if Pastor Milan had
this passage in mind when he spoke with Ms. Elliott, but it calls for praises
and a response. When I am tempted to feel discouraged, lost, forgotten I read
this scripture and I am reminded that I am not alone and the light of God in
the risen Christ overcomes the darkness.
And that I am called because I have been blessed with the Presence of
God just as I am to respond and tell others of the light of God through Jesus.
“We shall not turn back from you; give us life, and we
will call upon your name: Restore us. O
Lord God of Hosts! Let your face shine, that we may be saved.”
Psalm 81: 18-19
“it is now time for you to wake up from your sleep,
because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.”
Romans 13: 11
Take joy in
the journey praying as we go unafraid to come to God just as we are. Wear
comfortable shoes and get some sleep. Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene