Happy Saturday!
Bruce and I attended
the memorial mass for Father James Norwood today at Arlington Heights Christian
church in Fort Worth. This coming Friday Father Jim would have celebrated 53
years in the ordained ministry as an Episcopal priest. Arlington Heights houses
three churches; a Christian Church, Disciples of Christ, an Episcopal
congregation and a Lutheran congregation. Father Jim had served in the Kairos
community as a part of his service to Christ.
Please pray for his family in this time of their loss.
Prayer: Lord, as we enter this season of Lent let us
remember the journey you have traveled from Nazareth to the cross. Not once did
you let your eyes story from the purpose your heavenly Father put before You.
Help us during these 40 days to keep our eyes on You at all times so that we,
too, may journey to be closer to You with each breath and step we take. In
Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
“Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into
the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.”
Matthew 4: 1
If we read this entire
story carefully we really only hear the beginning and the end. In the beginning
of the story Jesus is led from baptism (in Mark) into the wilderness. We do not hear the middle of the story. We do
not hear of His feelings of emptiness, loneliness and progressive helplessness
throughout these forty days. So at the end of the forty days Jesus is starving,
dehydrated and exhausted. Satan appears on the last day and offers the three
great temptations to Jesus. If Jesus succumbs to these temptations in His most
vulnerable state then the gospel story ends right here. But during those 40
days I have to believe that Jesus spent concentrated time with His heavenly
Father learning about the journey He was about to begin.
I cannot imagine
that any of these words were comfortable or filled with joy. The words must
have been harsh in their language of sacrifice of body and blood. In their
demand to share the love of God for the people of the earth without identifying
who He was. How to tell others to love their enemies and pray for them? And
then to top off these difficult words with the temptations by Satan. But somewhere deep down in the soul of the
Master, He remembered the words of His youth. The words he learned in temple:
love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength, have no
other gods before Me. Man shall not live by bread alone but on every Word that proceeds
out of the mouth of God. Satan was
defeated that day. Then the angels came and attended to the Son of God.
Jesus passed the
test. During this season of Lent I have taken on two disciplines and am asking
God to help me to remain committed to these disciplines for His glory. I am
sure Satan will make an appearance and I pray that I will recognize Him and
pray this prayer, “Lord, Satan is knocking, could You please get the door for I
am foundering in my discipline.
Jesus stood firm on
the Word of God and defeated Satan that day. Let us be in prayer during this
season of Lent claiming God’s Holy Scripture when we feel tempted keep our
commitments for the glory of God in Christ Jesus.
Take joy in the
journey. Wear comfortable shoes, throw an extra blanket on the bed tonight and
get some sleep. Pray with a heart filled
with gratitude and peace be with you. Love
you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni, Travis and Sarah.
I am not moved by what I
see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am only moved by what I believe and I
believe God.