Greetings from Austin Street
TGIF Today God is First! All is well here at 811. I went
back to work today and Bruce is still at work as I write. And
tomorrow we will travel to the final Kairos Team Meeting prior to the long
weekend event. Please lift up the team as we travel and the participants as
they are selected to be a part of this weekend. Thank you so very much.
The candle is lit…
Dear God, when you open a door, no room is small. Thank
you for all my opportunities to share Your Word of salvation and grace. I could
never begin to measure the depth of your love, but Lord I thank you for it.
Help me to trust the height and depth of Your love and to share it with those who need to hear it.
Lord, I lift up the team that prepares to go in I ask you to inspire them with
your Word. Help us who support them and
the participants to remain in prayer for your spiritual graces to go before
those who deliver Your Word and openness of spirits to those who will receive
it. We all love you so much Lord and want to serve you as you see fit. In Jesus
name, amen.
I opened my meditation tonight and the title is “Open Every
Door.” There are so many opportunities
to share God’s Word and the forgiving grace that God offers because of His
great love for us. I know it may be hard
but praying for opportunities and occasions to be a witness for God through
faith in Jesus is what God wants us to do so His message of love will be
spread. If we pray for this God will
provide opportunities for us to witness. Sometimes this witness will happen out
of our own experiences with our loving God. Sometimes our witness happens in Christian
Action when we help others in some way.
But I think the best way we can witness is to live our lives as fully as
possible and when the opportunity comes before us to share God’s love we need
to bravely and faithfully walk in the door as God leads us. This is what the Kairos Prison Ministry does.
They walk through the doors of the prison and share the gospel in a place where
hope is not very present and trust is all but non-existent. God presents this
opportunity for His grace and love to be in the lives of those who have little
hope and walk in places of darkness. It
is really hard for us to realize how amazingly powerful and profound God’s love
is for us. Just imagine how overwhelming this love must be for those who feel
so unloved. God is good and love wins.
[Pray] that God
will open us to us a door for the word so that we may speak forth the mystery
of Christ.”
Colossians 4: 3
“I have set before
you and open door; and no one can shut it.”
Revelation 3: 8
Take joy in the journey praying
as you go and do not miss an opportunity to share the gospel. When God opens the door walk in and He will meet
you there. Wear comfortable shoes and
get some sleep. Love you all, Bruce and