Saturday, November 2, 2013

Greetings from Austin Street

Happy Saturday!  All is well and the water is just fine here at 811.  The brain is the most interesting organ we have. When one part of it is damaged there are other parts that either remember or learn new skills. After three trips to Home Depot all of the parts were gathered and the repair was made. As for me, Bruce is a hero who does not wear a cape, but late at night when he goes to turn the water off and on he wears crocs and an elastic band with a light attached to see the water valve.  He is amazing and I am so glad he is with me. He amazes me.  God is good and love wins!

Lord, How blessed and fitting to praise you, God! I thank you for bringing peace and constancy to my heart, where pain and sadness once lived.  I hope in your goodness and will remember to praise you forevermore. I love you Lord. In Jesus name, Amen.

Today, Bruce and I made our last trip to Home Depot for the past parts to repair the plumbing in our bathroom. When you live in an old house and fix one thing invariably another problem presents itself. Now for Bruce Home Depot is like me walking into Brighton. As we were walking across the parking lot to enter the building and he was holding my hand I was profoundly reminded of the gift of life that held my hand. Here is a man who three and a half months ago could not walk a straight line and he was walking into Home Depot and straight to the aisle that contained the parts needed to make repairs and within himself the skills to complete the task. It took a lot of self-control not to fall to my knees and give thanks for this gift that presents itself to me every day.  

I pray each night for Bruce’s healing and restoration and sometimes I forget to give thanks for all of the gifts and graces that we have been given in Bruce’s healing. The Book of Psalms begins “Happy are those who…love the LORD’S” teachings” (1: 1-2) and ends “Praise the Lord!”  My devotion tonight reminds me “in every situation you might experience on the journey of life—trials, losses, betrayals, joys, hopes, promises, and desires The Psalms represent the whole spectrum of human experience, and the faithfulness of God to walk with us through each one.”  I don’t think we are supposed to be thankful for losses and illness, but what I DO think we are to give thanks and praise that God is with us through all of the days of our life and whatever situations each day brings. When we learn to trust in God’s love and Presence remembering that in the presence of God we stand on Holy Ground we can praise Him in faith, believing in our hope in Him and find the peace for which we long.

“Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD.”

Psalm 150: 6

Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes, turn back the clock tonight and get an extra hour of sleep.  Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene



Friday, November 1, 2013

Greetings from Austin Street

TGIF Today God is First!  We here at 811 are giving thanks to God for victory over cancer in our young cousin Tatum. Final results came back to day and in the words of her extraordinary mother, “All is well.”  It is a day we have looked forward to for so long. This baby has fought this battle two times in her young life; she is only seven. She has fought with courage and faith since she was three years old. And today she was pronounced “well.”  We are so very thankful to God and His healing graces for the precious life of this young lady and her amazing family. This is the family from whom I stole the phrase, “God is good and love wins!” Tonight it is truer than ever!

Lord, in you is all my worth, glory, and joy. I thank you for accepting and loving me. Thank you for your words of encouragement as I become myself. Thank you for looking far enough in me to see strengths and skills I don’t know are there. I love you Lord. In Jesus name, Amen.

I have been back at work in my current full capacity this week. This is how my day goes; I go and get a child from their classroom, we return to my room, the child and I engage in book discussion and reading, I return the child to their teacher. I have thirty minutes once a week to make a difference in the life of a child. In all honesty I thought at first that the ministry to which I have been called was being put on the back burner for a while, maybe a long while. I had begun to think that I had failed God. And then as has been my practice for over thirty years I have had my morning prayer time on the way to school. I followed a familiar path and learned to listen to the voice of God. It is not the location of the ministry that is important. It is the ministry to which I have been called that is important. God has called me to follow His will wherever I am. So as I listen to children read, or listen to parents and teachers talk I am on holy ground because God is present through the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit that causes me to respond in the most appropriate ways. Here is my new lesson to practice and learn. I need to listen to God while listening to others and allow the Holy Spirit to empower my listening and speaking. I pray that God will use me to be a channel of His Love, Joy and Peace by listening to Him while listening to others. Pastoral care is not a location, but a way of life to be enacted and for me to bloom where I am planted.

“Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own.”

Exodus 3: 5

Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes and get some sleep. Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene

PS The hammering, drilling, two trips to Home Depot and Bruce’s decades of knowledge of my wonderful hubby are repairing the leaky faucet.  The faucet in our bathroom is not even made any more (remember we live in a really old house)so other accommodations have had to be made. I am so grateful that his abilities to repair are still intact and that he is willing to tackle the task. The job is not complete, but I have full confidence that all will be repaired.  I love my dear hubby. Grace and pieces, gc


Thursday, October 31, 2013

Greetings form Austin Street

Happy Halloween and Happy Thursday! All is well with Bruce and I, but 811 is having plumbing issues. We have a leaky faucet. It kept us awake last night and ran many gallons of water last night. So the plan for tonight is to turn off the water, turn it back on in the morning for showers and toilets and turn it off again until Bruce has the time to make the repair. Please pray that this is a relatively easy and inexpensive fix.  We had about two dozen trick or treaters and a special visit from our goddaughter.  Also, I sent my thesis statement to my professor last evening for approval and/or correction. I received it back today. Three out of four sentences were approved. YEA!!! I just have to work on one sentence and then I can begin work on the paper. Please pray about that too.  Thank you all. 

Lord, teach me your ways. Teach your wisdom to my spirit. Teach me your truth so that I can always follow you well and praise you. Please meet me in my daily trust in you as I look only to you for help and approval.  I love you Lord. In Jesus name, Amen.

When I was in high school I took high school geometry. I had a wonderful teacher who hung in there with me as I struggled all through the first semester of class learning to do a proof. I turned in every assignment, I took notes in class, I died every day and failed every test. But I continued to work. I just did not understand. And then one day she called on me in class to explain the proof and I did it. All of a sudden I understood. I had the aha! moment.  This is what happens to me with spiritual concepts and currently writing an exegesis paper. I do not fully understand what is being asked of me, but my professor is willing to hang with me until I do understand. As to the spiritual concepts of truth and wisdom; God is willing to hang with me giving me opportunity to practice pastoral skills, to hang with Bruce and help him to be restored and healed.  Here’s the most important concept I am learning, “The God who gave His life for me, Bruce and all of you and gave us the gift of salvation is able to instruct us in His ways and hang with us until we “get it!.” I am sure we are all in for many more aha! moments.

“Your promise has been tested through and through, and I your servant love it dearly…The way you tell me to live is always right; help me understand it so I can live to the fullest.”

Psalm 119: 140, 144

Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes and get some sleep. Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene


Greetings form Austin Street

Happy Halloween and Happy Thursday! All is well with Bruce and I, but 811 is having plumbing issues. We have a leaky faucet. It kept us awake last night and ran many gallons of water last night. So the plan for tonight is to turn off the water, turn it back on in the morning for showers and toilets and turn it off again until Bruce has the time to make the repair. Please pray that this is a relatively easy and inexpensive fix.  We had about two dozen trick or treaters and a special visit from our goddaughter.  Also, I sent my thesis statement to my professor last evening for approval and/or correction. I received it back today. Three out of four sentences were approved. YEA!!! I just have to work on one sentence and then I can begin work on the paper. Please pray about that too.  Thank you all. 

Lord, teach me your ways. Teach your wisdom to my spirit. Teach me your truth so that I can always follow you well and praise you. Please meet me in my daily trust in you as I look only to you for help and approval.  I love you Lord. In Jesus name, Amen.

When I was in high school I took high school geometry. I had a wonderful teacher who hung in there with me as I struggled all through the first semester of class learning to do a proof. I turned in every assignment, I took notes in class, I died every day and failed every test. But I continued to work. I just did not understand. And then one day she called on me in class to explain the proof and I did it. All of a sudden I understood. I had the aha! moment.  This is what happens to me with spiritual concepts and currently writing an exegesis paper. I do not fully understand what is being asked of me, but my professor is willing to hang with me until I do understand. As to the spiritual concepts of truth and wisdom; God is willing to hang with me giving me opportunity to practice pastoral skills, to hang with Bruce and help him to be restored and healed.  Here’s the most important concept I am learning, “The God who gave His life for me, Bruce and all of you and gave us the gift of salvation is able to instruct us in His ways and hang with us until we “get it!.” I am sure we are all in for many more aha! moments.

“Your promise has been tested through and through, and I your servant love it dearly…The way you tell me to live is always right; help me understand it so I can live to the fullest.”

Psalm 119: 140, 144

Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes and get some sleep. Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Greetings from Austin Street

Happy Wednesday!  All is well at 811. I really love writing that sentence.  Bruce had a good day back at the Center. I had a full day of students today. Life goes on and God is good and love always wins.

Lord, I will focus on your faithfulness rather than my own failures. I will look to you to help me fulfill the promise of all that my life can be. As I grow in continuous relationship with you teach me to have full confidence in you for you my God are worthy of my trust. I love you Lord. In Jesus name, Amen.

Tonight I sent a thesis statement to my professor for his approval. I have not missed class; I have turned in all required weekly writings and am taking my time to write this most important paper and hoping to show greater understanding of the elements of this particular exegesis and the scripture passage I have chosen. I have chosen the passage Mark 14: 3-9. It is the story of the woman who anoints Jesus in the house of Simon the Leper. She is an unnamed woman. I have read stories of unnamed women throughout scripture and they have great courage and show Jesus an outpouring of their love like no other. The love these women show is a bold extravagant love. One woman anoints the feet of Jesus for service and the other anoints Jesus into His death crowing Him as King. And they do it at the risk of public ridicule and personal safety. These women understand that discipleship means to be willing to follow Jesus no matter what the cost out of their love for Him. And in their unnamed status and silent actions Jesus does not focus on their failures but helps them both accepting their offered gifts of worship, reverence and love. One woman is freed of her past to live the promise of restoring her hope of all her life can be and the other is remembered for her extraordinary act of kindness.  

“The Lord takes pleasure in those who reverently and worshipfully fear Him, in those who hope in His mercy and loving-kindness.”

Psalm 147: 11

Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes and get some sleep. Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene



Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Greetings from Austin Street

Happy Tuesday!  All is well at 811. Bruce had a medical doctor’s appointment for Social Security Disability today. Since I was in class today our wonderful friend Steve took Bruce to the appointment. Thank you Steve! I am not sure how long the appointment took I just know when I walked into the house around 5 Bruce was asleep on the couch and did not awaken until nearly 6. So I am assuming the appointment was pretty exhausting. So after a two day absence from the Center I think he is ready to get back into his routine! 

Lord, please teach me your ways so that I may serve you. I trust that you will sustain me for my hope is in you. I want to make a difference in whatever way you want me to serve for your name’s sake. And Lord, thank you for the daily instruction you bring to me and for the miracles you allow me to witness. I love you Lord. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

I believe I have been called by God to serve in pastoral service and to be ordained and authorized by the Church for ministry. And I believe someday I will do just that. It is just not right now. I believe that the gap between God’s call on my life and my ability to respond has a purpose. It reminds me of the story of the life lived in the dash. I still have lessons to learn and the greatest lesson I have to learn is to depend on God’s sufficiency instead of focusing on my impatience to get started in a ministry in which I cannot give my total focus. I am celebrating this time as it is allowing me to depend more on God and to look to God continually for all of my needs. I would love to tell you that I am always at peace with this, but I pretty imperfect. And when I get bogged down in my imperfections I begin to pray usually through tears and God helps me resolve my doubts and find the peace I seek. But this I know, God’s true and lasting peace comes when I place my doubts in the abundance of God’s love and I am sustained in the hope of the resurrected Christ.  God is good and love wins!

“When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.”

Psalm 94: 19

Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes and get some sleep. Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene

Monday, October 28, 2013

Greetings from Austin Street

Happy Monday!  All is well at 811!  I have waited 102 days for this moment. Bruce said, “Gaylene” today!  And before you ask, yes I cried tears of joy.  We were on our way home from a very, very long day at a Social Security Disability mandated psychological evaluation that lasted 4 ½ hours. And he said my name.  God is good and love wins!

Lord, thank You dear Lord for the words of life you speak to me. By your words I am named and claimed. By your words I am held, molded and sent out. And by your healing grace and tender mercy Bruce said my name to day. I love you Lord. In Jesus name, Amen.

Reading for pleasure is something I remember. I do love to read, and I especially love to read Holy Scripture. Scripture has the power to encourage, to help, inspire, teach, to tell a story, to correct behavior, offer forgiveness of sins from the mouth of Jesus and tell of the grace  given by God’s own Son.  I particularly love the words of the psalmist.  In Psalm 119: 103 the writer found the words of God, “sweeter than honey.” The words of Jesus are life-giving. There are lots of books out there that are well written and read over and over again like an old friend.  But the Word of God is the only book with the power to transform us from the inside out and allow the transcending spirit of Jesus to fill our souls with light, life, promise, joy and the unfailing love of God.

“How sweet are Your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mind.”

Psalm 119: 103

Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes and get some sleep. Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene


Sunday, October 27, 2013

Greetings from Austin Street

Blessed Sunday to you all!  All is well at 811.

Lord, give me wisdom to know what to look over and what to overlook. Teach me that the greatest wisdom is a loving heart, and when I am afraid make me wise beyond my fears.  Lord, you have answered prayers in ways I did not recognize until today. Forgive me when I am blind to Your good works and open to your kindness when my eyes are opened to your grace and work of Your hands.  I love you Lord. In Jesus name, Amen.

4 class periods and three papers to go. The countdown to graduation has begun and I have gone back to work three days a week from before 8 in the morning until after 3 in the afternoon. My prayer has been for God to stretch my time so that when I have the study time to be diligent in my studies, comprehend what I read and to write an acceptable, faithful response to the reading.  Once again I began to feel overwhelmed until I remembered that God has answered my prayer through the servant heart of my beloved Bruce.  Bruce makes our bed, does the dishes, vacuum’s the floors, makes the coffee, clears and sets the table for meals and does the laundry all of his own choice. I have never asked him to do any of these tasks.  I am so blessed and he is so amazing. Bruce has provided the time stretcher I needed so that I can study. I have given thanks for this wonderful gift of a loving husband who knows and loves me more than anyone else and is blessed with a godly heart and always says, “It is my joy.”

I finally came to this conclusion about how God has answered this prayer by studying the story of the healing of blind Bartimaeus. Bartimaeus asked for Jesus to heal him of his blindness. Jesus heals him and says, “Your faith has healed you.” Bartimaeus with his sight restored immediately began to follow Jesus into Jerusalem as a “follower” of Jesus. When Jesus heals someone the healing is not complete until the body and the spirit have been healed. Bartimaeus showed great faith in Jesus before his sight was restored. This made him the perfect vessel for healing and discipleship. Bartimaeus saw what the Twelve did not. Bartimaeus followed Jesus with faith and not fear. So because of God’s good work and the model of faith and discipleship in Bruce and Bartimaeus my sight has been restored and my faith intact.

“You, through your commandments have made me wiser than my enemies; for they are ever with me. I have more understanding that all my teachers: for your testimonies are my meditations.”

Psalm 119: 98-99

Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes and get some sleep. Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene