Happy Saturday!
Today I picked up my
Bountiful Baskets order. It is a food-co-op that provides fresh fruit and
vegetables, 5 grain bread and other breads and specialty baskets. A regular
basket of half-fruit/half vegetables is only $15.00. So today I picked up a regular basket, 5
loaves of delicious bread, a bag of fabulous granola and a bag of guacamole
makings. Tonight I used the fresh
tomatoes and garlic to make a yummy bruschetta chicken. And we had the strawberries for dessert. It
was an early pick up at 6: 45 am, but totally worthy!
Also today, I was
invited to go with Sarah and her Mom to taste wedding cake. The wedding cake
from The Cooper Street Bakery is off the chart delicious. This was followed by
a wonderful lunch at McAllister’s at the Highlands. Lots of fun. Then I came
home and read for the remainder of the afternoon. Reading about plantations and
death camps is kind of a downer from tasting wedding cake and lunch with Sarah
and her Mom.
Prayer: Dear God, I pray that today You would help me
to find a way to serve others. So many times it is easy to look at others and
assume that they are here to serve me. I ask now that You will open my eyes to
the opportunities to put aside the selfish thought and instead begin to look at
life through Your perspective. In Christ’s name I pray, Amen.
“And He sat down, called the twelve, and
said to them, ‘If anyone desires to be first, he shall be last of all and
servant of all.”
Mark 9: 35
Mark 10: 35 says,
“They said to Him, ‘Grant that we may sit, one on Your right and one on Your
left, in Your glory.” This verse has always bothered me. Why would James and
John ask such a bold question? Did they think they were cut from a different
bolt of cloth than the others? Actually
I think these men were so caught up in their own agendas with Jesus that they
did not see Jesus’ agenda. The Mark 9 verse for tonight tells us (and those
disciples from long ago) that the call is to servanthood. Jesus came to serve.
Perhaps the duh-ciples thought they privileged because they were hanging
out with the Son of God. They still thought Jesus was establishing an earthly
kingdom and they wanted to make sure they were included in his cabinet.
If we
are to follow the scripture of Mark 9 then we, too, must be servants. God gives
us so many things. If we do not serve
others then we are missing out on all God has for us. When I ponder this verse
a little further I think about Bruce. Through the Kairos Prison Ministry, he
serves the incarcerated with a passion and with compassion. He loves to listen,
teach and worship with this community of people forgotten by society, but not
forgotten by God. Bruce’s servanthood is a testimony to him desiring to serve
rather than being served and being a living witness and example to the servant
heart of God.
Take joy in the
journey. Wear comfortable shoes and get some sleep. Count your blessings, give
thanks, say your prayers and help someone today. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene,
Geni, Travis and Sarah.
I am not moved by what
I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am only moved by what I believe and I
believe God.