Saturday, July 23, 2011

Greetings from Austin St.

Happy Friday! Bruce began physical therapy today by walking around the block on the 5th floor. (and quite successfully I might add!) Koumidin was introduced as the drug of choice in those who have received aortic valve replacements. Blood work will need to be done monthly to establish the correct dosage. The pacemaker was turned off today, but not discontinued. The oxygen will most likely be discontinued tomorrow leaving only the central line in place until dismissal. We are prepared for occupational therapy when it begins. I amcontinually amazed at how little pain medication Bruce has asked for. They only give pain meds when he requests them. It must be all of that strength he is receiving through the covering of your prayers! We are aiming for a Monday dismissal. Thank you once again for all of your prayers and will thank you ahead of time for the continuation of the healing process and lifestyle changes.

Please also pray for Geni as she has traveled to Livingston, Texas to participate in the wedding of her first roommate at Stephen F. Austin University. The wedding is tomorrow and she will return on Sunday.
Prayer: “Good morning Lord. Thank You for this moment. I am grateful that I can begin this day giving You praise. I recognize today is unique. I will only have one opportunity to life for You this day. Please help me make the most of it. Help me hear Your voice as I seek to honor You. Amen.”
Psalm 85:6-7 “Oh, come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. For He is our God and we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand.”

I was in Bruce’s room today watching him sleep. I found myself giving thanks for each breath he took each beat of his heart. It became a moment of worship for me. Giving thanks to the Lord our God and King because He is God and worthy of praise and glory. He is the giver of every good and perfect gift including each breath we take and each beat of our hearts.

I don’t know about you but when it comes to my family I have a fair amount of tunnel version and tend to think only of the one who is in need of the most critical care…and Bruce is number one on my list. Then I began to hear increased activity in the hallway. A couple of doors down evidently something went wrong with one of the patients. There seemed to be an emergency procedure that had to be performed right there in the patient room. I found myself praying for the patient, the physicians and other care givers trying to correct whatever the problem was and the family that cared for the patient.

This experience caused me to think beyond my own situation and just a bit into what God does everyday. Sometimes (especially now) my prayers are one sided, but praise God we do not have a one-sided God who only takes care of a few of us. God takes care of us like a shepherd takes care of His sheep. God has his huge flock of humanity of which He is responsible and loves so much. He knows us and knows us well enough to call us by name. God knows our deepest needs, our joys, our uncertainties and yes, our fears. Just like the hospital, God is a 24/7 God ready to help us when we are in need.

We need to be 24/7 believers. Our faith and belief in God needs to stretch beyond our own needs and desires to include His children. And as we ask God for healing for ourselves and those we love we needs to remember to take a few moments to worship God in reverence as our Maker, Redeemer and Healer, but mostly because God is our God and He loves us so.

Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes and if you come to visit Bruce, bring a sweater. It is cold in his room! Count your blessings and say your prayers. When you pray today take a few moments to worship, pray for others and pray for yourself. Thanks again for the covering in prayer and please do not stop! Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Greetings from Austin St.

Happy Thursday! Bruce had a great day! Most of the drains and tubing came out today. He still has a central line, temporary pace maker and the oxygen sensor. He is feeling much better but still tires easily. Occupational Therapy came by to educate us on changes Bruce will have to make in his movements until he is completely healed. So tomorrow he will begin Occupational Therapy as well as Physical therapy. He was upgraded from ICU to telemetry. His new room number is 5047. It is just 5 doors down from the previous room. We also found out that his heart rehab can be done at Memorial and there are classes I will take to help with diet and nutrition and other things to help in recovery. We have not been given a dismissal date as yet, but I am hoping for Sunday or Monday. Thank you for your continued prayers. The hard work will begin soon and we will be praying for strength physically, emotionally and mentally.

FYI I still cannot use my phone in his room, but I can now bring my own coffee into the room and I can share a meal with Bruce.

Prayer: ‘Heavenly Father, I offer up thanks and praise to You for You are holy and worthy of praise. I thank you for the blessings of those who are in the medical field with whom You have charged with saving lives through knowledge, skill and faith. Father, there are mountains to climb. These mountains cannot be removed, for climbing these mountains of healing is the way to gain strength physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. So I ask Father that You would take Lordship over this healing process and remind us to be in praise and gratitude for the mountains before us and your loving guidance. In Jesus holy name, Amen

Psalm 138:1 “I will praise You with my whole heart before the gods I will sing praise unto You.”

Healing is not for the faint of heart. Healing can be painful, because in order for healing to occur there has been a wound created. Sometimes wounds are physical like in Bruce‘s recent surgery. Sometimes wounds are emotional and I think they are harder to heal than a physical wound. God will teach us the way of climbing mountains. Mountains are easier to climb if we follow the path of God’s praise. When we climb we must remind ourselves of how much God has done for us, how much He is is doing for us and how much more God will do for us. We must be thankful and Praise Him, Praise Him, Praise Him. A thankful heart full of praise may not remove the mountain, but it will sure make it easier to climb because we do not climb alone.

Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes. Count you blessings and say your prayers. There is no mountain so high that God cannot conquer it. Thank you for your continued prayers we love you all so much. Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis
Greetings from Austin St.

Happy Thursday! Bruce had a great day! Most of the drains and tubing came out today. He still has a central line, temporary pace maker and the oxygen sensor. He is feeling much better but still tires easily. Occupational Therapy came by to educate us on changes Bruce will have to make in his movements until he is completely healed. So tomorrow he will begin Occupational Therapy as well as Physical therapy. He was upgraded from ICU to telemetry. His new room number is 5047. It is just 5 doors down from the previous room. We also found out that his heart rehab can be done at Memorial and there are classes I will take to help with diet and nutrition and other things to help in recovery. We have not been given a dismissal date as yet, but I am hoping for Sunday or Monday. Thank you for your continued prayers. The hard work will begin soon and we will be praying for strength physically, emotionally and mentally.

FYI I still cannot use my phone in his room, but I can now bring my own coffee into the room and I can share a meal with Bruce.

Prayer: ‘Heavenly Father, I offer up thanks and praise to You for You are holy and worthy of praise. I thank you for the blessings of those who are in the medical field with whom You have charged with saving lives through knowledge, skill and faith. Father, there are mountains to climb. These mountains cannot be removed, for climbing these mountains of healing is the way to gain strength physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. So I ask Father that You would take Lordship over this healing process and remind us to be in praise and gratitude for the mountains before us and your loving guidance. In Jesus holy name, Amen
Psalm 138:1 “I will praise You with my whole heart before the gods I will sing praise unto You.”

Healing is not for the faint of heart. Healing can be painful, because in order for healing to occur there has been a wound created. Sometimes wounds are physical like in Bruce‘s recent surgery. Sometimes wounds are emotional and I think they are harder to heal than a physical wound. God will teach us the way of climbing mountains. Mountains are easier to climb if we follow the path of God’s praise. When we climb we must remind ourselves of how much God has done for us, how much He is is doing for us and how much more God will do for us. We must be thankful and Praise Him, Praise Him, Praise Him. A thankful heart full of praise may not remove the mountain, but it will sure make it easier to climb because we do not climb alone.

Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes. Count you blessings and say your prayers. There is no mountain so high that God cannot conquer it. Thank you for your continued prayers we love you all so much. Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Greetings from Austin St.

Happy Wednesday! Intubation tube out!! Bruce said it was a ghastly experience. But it is over and that is good. He did not sleep well last night, but got a few hours of sleep this afternoon. He was out of bed three times for an hour at a time to eat. Each transfer from bed to chair got better each time even though he was really tired after each time. His big red heart pillow is becoming his best friend. Today I teased him when he was laying in bed with his pillow resting on his chest that I thought that this heart surgery was supposed to happen on the inside not an external heart surgery. I really should not have made him laugh. I know he is beginning to feel better because he has already smarted off to his nurse. Tomorrow many tubes will be removed and he should be much more comfortable. Later this evening he asked for the head of his bed to be raised so he could watch some TV. (NCIS!! So he was awake more today. Keep praying!

Prayer: “Heavenly Father, this is the day You have made, so I will rejoice and be glad in it! Give me faith today to trust what I do not see. I want to praise You no matter what comes my way. I look forward to joining heaven and earth in praising You in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

Psalm 69: 34-36 “Let heaven and earth praise Him, the seas and everything that moves in them. For God will save Zion and build the cities of Judah, that they may dwell there and possess it. Also, the descendants of His servants shall inherit it, and those who love His name shall dwell in it.”

Have you ever thought about faith-based praise to God? Faith-based praise to God is praising God ahead of time not for what He has already done and not what He is doing now, but who He is and what He will do in the future. It is so easy to praise God when all is going well, but it is really tough to praise God when times are tough or we are facing uncertainty. The Chrystie family is facing some uncertainty. Bruce’s restrictions following surgery are not driving for three weeks and not lifting anything weighing more than 10 pounds for three months. Bruce is a home repair man and so these restrictions effectively shut down our business and we live on one income for the next three months. Then there is the issue of rebuilding the business when the doc releases Bruce from doctor’s care. Now is the time to put faith-based praise into action. Yes, we are praising God that this condition was caught before Bruce collapsed. But tonight I am giving thanks from God’s loving presence and assured in the knowledge that God already has a plan in place for Bruce’s business and our financial sustaining during his recovery and the future of our business. I am asking each of you who are our mighty prayer warriors to agree in prayer giving thanks for God’s gracious faithfulness and His perfect timing. But mostly I am resting in the assurance of who God is no matter at what place we are in our lives and praising Him for what He will do.

Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes. Count your blessings and say your prayers. Rest in the assurance that god has all things under His loving hand and His powerful command. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Greetings from Austin St.

Happy Tuesday! I am writing from home tonight as Bruce’s nurse says I need to get some rest because he is really going to need me tomorrow. So if this writing comes out a bit strange or somewhat disjointed it will be out of exhaustion with a short night, a very long day behind me and my editor being somewhat incapacitated!

Thank you to each of you who were in prayer today and accepted my many text messages as we progressed through the day. Your prayers were like a blanket of peace and comfort throughout the day and I know they helped to bring about the healing that is happening in Bruce.

Today's Events:

5:00 AM Stop at Starbucks to pick up a Coffee Traveler. If I have to spend the day waiting in the hospital I am not going to drink hospital coffee. I am drinking the good stuff!
5:15 AM Arrival at the hospital and ushered to the third floor for surgery prep.
5:30 AM Pastor Joel arrives
6:00 AM I am allowed back to see Bruce who is wired for sound and slightly loopy. Prayer with Bruce.
7:00 AM Meeting with the anesthesiologist, Dr. Hildibrandt. Great guy and very reassuring.
7:45 AM Surgical nurse appears and tells us that Dr. Norcross is in the building and things will start very soon.
8:00 AM Final kiss and Bruce is off to the races.
9:00 First update: chest is opened up and things are going well.
9:30 AM Old valve is out and Bruce is doing well.
11:00 AM New valve is in. New valve is removed because it is not seated properly. New valve is replaced and in properly.
12:30 PM Aorta is sewn up and now we wait to make sure there are no leaks or extra bleeding and all is working well.
1:30 PM Closing procedure is beginning.
2:30 PM Bruce is on the way to ICU.
3:30 PM Bruce is placed vin ICU and able to see visitors. Not awake yet.
5:00 PM Episode of aortic fibulation. Medication ordered STAT and the problem was corrected after a while. Oxygen is slowly being lowered in preparation for the removal of the intubation tube.
9:00 PM Report from the nurse is that Bruce is extremely stable and the plan for the tube removal tonight is still in place. Tomorrow he must sit in a chair for an hour three times per day and eat. Please pray for him and the staff as they tell me this is not always a pleasant experience and the patient is a bit grouchy!

Just some quick notes…He is in room #5042 in the Cardiac/Vascular ICU on the 5th floor. He can receive visitors. The only time visitors are not allowed is from 6:00AM—8:00 AM and the same times PM due to the nursing shift changes. I will be there the majority of the day tomorrow. Bruce is most likely still be somewhat sleepy.

Prayer: Our Lord, with hearts full of joy I thank you for Your marvelous blessings showered on Bruce and all those who live him and You today and everyday. In Jesus name. Amen.

Psalm 23:1 “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.”
God is beside us. We are led as sheep to follow in all things through God’s guidance. He is our Guide, Joy and our Friend. For God miracles are an everyday happening. For us miracles are happenings through spiritual forces and we marvel. Today I marveled at simply watching Bruce breathe even if powered by a machine and tomorrow I will marvel even more as I watch him breathe on his own. But the greatest miracle for me today was when he roused ever so briefly and the nurse asked him if he could squeeze my hand. It was a solid squeeze and I rejoiced with tears of joy. Bruce and I have held hands for a little over 30 years and today we held hands one more time. The Shepherd heard the cries of my heart and blessed me one more time.

Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes. Count your blessings and say your prayers. Squeeze the hand of someone you love today and do not ever forget that moment. Love you all and thank you so very much. Love you, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis

Monday, July 18, 2011

Happy Monday!

WOW! Super busy day! We were at the hospital at 8:00 this morning for registration and pre-assessment. I was very impressed with their new procedures and the speed and efficiency with which they accomplished the tasks. All of the pre-assessment procedures were done right there within a few feet of each other. We did not have to travel to three different places for the EKG, blood draw, urinalysis and chest x-ray. Then, the check-up was perfect at the dentist office and we are a go for tomorrow. We must be at the hospital at 5:15 AM and surgery is scheduled for 7:15. Not sure how long the procedure will take. If you are a Facebooker then you can put it out there since I am not a FB’er.

We spent a wonderful evening with one of Bruce’s brothers and his sister tonight along with our nephew and his family. There were nine around the dinner table. We had a great time and it meant so much to Bruce. Our friend David Russell is coming in on Friday and I think Bruce’s other brother and his wife are coming in over the week end. Members of my side of the family will be here in the morning. Family is wonderful!

Prayer: “Lord, I thank You for a new week and a new day. As I begin, I pray that You will speak to my heart in new ways. Reveal to me the areas of my life that are out of sync with You. Give me the courage to be quiet and listen, and then to obey what you reveal to me. I know there are areas of my life that need a course correction. Change me, oh God, from the inside out. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.”

1 John 3:7 “Little children, let no one deceive you. He who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous. “

Living in a right relationship with God and conforming to God’s character means that we live in righteousness. God is our standard. He is our teacher and we are the students. The pursuit of Christ and His standard for truth builds safeguards against deception. Deception leads to betrayal and hurt. The road to healing is a difficult road because there is no band-aid or aspirin that can be placed over that wound.

When someone betrays or deceives us the hurt is deep and our trust is shattered. We must remember that Christ is not one who would ever betray, hurt or deceive us.

God’s Word speaks only truth and the truth it speaks is the truth of love. If we are in constant communion and fellowship with God then we will be able to remember what is right and then act on what is right and true and not what is flattering. And when we have fallen prey to a deception by someone we know our response must be to forgive them because we have been forgiven and keep our eyes fixed on Christ.

My friends I thank you all so very much for all of your prayers support. Today please pray for perfection in the hands of all who attend Bruce; everyone from the surgeon to the housekeeper who sanitizes the room and all who are in between. Pray for me and the children to wait on word for the OR during this procedure. Helps us to wait without fear and to keep our eyes fixed on Christ, believing that Jesus will be in the room.

Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes. Count your blessings and say your prayers. Protect yourself with the power of the Word of God and do not be deceived. God loves us so very much. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.
Blessed Sunday to you all.

Prayer: “Thank You, Father, for your teachings. You have taught me that we receive that for which we ask, obtain that for which we seek and have that door opened at which we knock. Amen.”

Matthew 8: 26 “And He said to them, Why are you fearful, O you of little faith? Then He rose and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm.”

I needed this passage of scripture tonight. Scripture is here for encouragement, affirmation, instruction and correction. I have experienced scripture in all of these ways. God has many things to teach us. One of the most important things is that God will not withhold His presence from us. God will not withhold His truth from us. But, God, being the master Teacher, reveals to us what we need when we need it and only as much as we can understand.

Jesus does not teach us when we are going through a storm. God teaches us on the mountain slopes as we are making the climb. We rejoice on top of the mountain and we are calm and peaceful in the valley, but it is on the slope of the mountain where we grow. God teaches us the Truths of His heart and His Kingdom as He leads us up each mountain we are asked to climb. The best part is that God calls us to rest with Him and learn while we climb. Isn’t God good?!

Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes (maybe we all ought to invest in some hiking boots!) Count your blessings and say your prayers. Give thanks to God for His continuous presence in our lives. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Happy Saturday!

I think today Bruce has worked his last for a while. The surgery will be on Tuesday. We will find out a time on Monday when he goes in for pre-op registration and labs. He will be in the hospital for 5 to 7 days. He cannot drive for at least 3 weeks and cannot pick up anything over 10 pounds for three months. That effectively will put him out of work until around mid-October. I ask you to pray for him to have the strength to withstand the surgery and the healing that is to follow. Thank you.

Also, please pray for my Daddy. He has announced his retirement. At 78 years of age he still works a full day in a sheet metal shop. He is also having a nuclear stress test on Monday. Please pray for him. His name is Jerry Helvey. Thank you.

Prayer: “Dear God, thank You for Your love for me today. Scripture says that You reveal Yourself as love and that You have proven that love by giving Jesus, your only son, so that the world can be completely forgiven and redeemed back into a relationship with You. I ask You to deepen my understanding of and appreciation for this truth today. Thank you in advance for what You are going to do today! Amen.”

Galatians 3:6 “Just as Abraham “believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.”

Abraham was an extraordinary man of faith. God would tell him something and Abraham would accept it as truth. When God told Abraham to fold up his tents and move Abraham never questioned it. He gathered his flocks, herds and family and moved. Without complaining or questioning Abraham was confidently, faithfully obedient to God. Because of Abraham’s faith in God, God declared him righteous. Abraham, with his simple daily faith, did right things as God commanded. God made promises to Abraham and Abraham fully trusted and rested in everything God said.

How is our righteousness attained? Do we receive righteousness from God through working hard or proving something or even trying to be faithful to a task? If you are a Lutheran then you know the answer to that one. It is the first Godly principle that we learn, we are saved by grace and not by our works. There is nothing we can do to please God in the “natural.” (note: this is a Joyce Meyer reference meaning “by ourselves without help... by our own will, etc.) The way we please God is when we surrender to Him all that we are and all that we have and with trust and faith allow Him to work His will in our lives. Abraham trusted God as a child trusts a loving father.

We, as believers in Jesus, are offered the same loving relationship with a faithful trustworthy God. God offers His gift of righteousness to us through Jesus. God asks us to believe in Him and in the One Whom He sent. When we believe in Jesus we believe God and all that He offers to each of us- redemption and forgiveness through the crucified Christ.

Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes. Count your blessings and say your prayers. Believe God today and share His work in your life with someone. Thank you again mighty and faithful prayer warriors and wonderful friends. Love you all and see you in worship, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.