Happy Friday!!
The content of my exegesis in psalms is complete and now
I have to write the annotated bibliography. Please offer a prayer for me. This
is difficult.
My mini- laptop computer fell on the floor tonight and is
no longer working. I am using my large
laptop that is somewhat slow and heavy currently. The good news is that I saved my work on a
flash drive so I don’t have to recreate the work.
Tonight I bought a Direct TV movie called Joyful Noise. It stars Queen Latifa and Dolly Parton. The music in the movie is amazing. In fact I
think I am going to figure out some way to add the final song to my paper
because the closing piece the choir sings is a stunning version of the meaning
of Psalm 150. Please offer another
prayer that I might be able to work this out!
Great joy!! Travis has been assigned to the Starbucks store in Fort Worth on Hulen near
I-20. He should begin working there
within the next two weeks. Way to go
Prayer: “O Lord,
the psalmist tells me You know everything about me. As I begin this day I am so grateful You know
my needs, hopes and desires; and You know all of them even before I ask. Today
I submit to Your Lordship and care.
Thank You for Your loving hands and heart. You are good---all the time. Amen.”
Matthew 21: 22 “And
whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.”
Prayer is a spiritual act. When Christ gave this gift to the disciples
He was not telling them that every wish their hearts could come up with was
going to be given. Jesus was not
presenting Himself like room service! Jesus reminds us that prayer is
relational. We pray through the power of
the Holy Spirit through our belief in Christ to the heart and ear of God. Prayer is also personal. God knows our needs before we ever ask. God
asks us to come before Him to meet those needs.
Last, prayer is circular. I will quote my meditation tonight to explain,
“The prayer that gets to heaven, starts in heaven! It is God who knows. It is God who puts the desire in our hearts
and it is God who answers the requests that are in His will.” Let us sleep well tonight believing that God slumbers
not nor sleeps and is always thinking of us, knowing us so well as to meet our
needs even before we ask.
Take joy in the journey.
Wear comfortable shoes. God does
not slumber nor does he sleep so go to bed.
There is no reason for both of you to be awake! Read a psalm. Count your blessings and say
your prayers. Love you all, Bruce,
Gaylene, Geni and Travis.
am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am only moved by
what I believe and I believe God.