Happy Saturday and Happy Independence Day Eve!
At this writing I can hear music and hear and see fireworks from our house. I think they may be coming from The Levitt. How awesome!! I would like to issue an invitation to each of you to attend the 4th of July celebration being held at Advent Lutheran Church tomorrow from 9:00 until after the 11:00 worship service. Worship services will be held as usual and activities will occur between services. There is a cake walk, parade and silent auction as well as other activities. Lunch will be served after the 11:00 service. Old fashioned picnic food will be served along with a great time.
Uncle Gene update: My uncle Gene arrived at the nursing home/assisted living center this week. He is adjusting to the new living arrangements. Please continue to keep him and my Aunt Imogene in your prayers. Thank you all so very much.
Psalm 42:1 “As the deer pants after the water brooks, so pants my soul after You, O God.”
As I meditated on this verse, I thought about all of those who have served our country in times of war and conflict. I teach very near the military base in Fort Worth. I know of many families who serve in our military and their dedication and passion for the freedom our country lives under. I can tell you that their commitment to their task of defending this country is nothing short of a passion. For many it means separation from their families and putting their life on the line. Our commitment to our relationship with God should be as strong and passionate as those who serve our country. We are servants in God’s kingdom here on earth. God sacrificed His Son, Jesus, for our freedom. We live under the blanket of freedom from sin and death because of the sacrifice of Jesus. Let us give thanks to those who serve and protect our freedom under the flag of stars and stripes and give thanks to the One who bore stripes for each of us.
Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes, count your blessings and say your prayers. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.
I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
Happy Friday!
Exodus 14: 13 “And Moses said…Fear not, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will show you today!”
Do you remember where Moses was when he gave this command? He was standing before the nation of Israel with the Red Sea in front of them and Pharaoh’s army in the rear. Can you imagine the Hebrew nation saying, “Right Moses, sure!” Moses was trying to show the nation of Israel that they should trust God in the midst of extraordinary circumstances. Not only should they trust completely, but trust with gladness because God was in the house and He was going to do something amazing before their very eyes!
Satan was hard at work that day in the heart of pharaoh and the army of Egypt when Moses told the Israelites to stand still and fear not. Wow! Do you know what makes Satan run faster than anything? Praising God in the midst of tough times and then laughing in the face of adversity. Satan loses all power because God is in the house.
Did you ever wonder why God asked them to be still? Well, I think God wanted to continue the lesson of trust and obedience. God did not want the new nation of Israel to be found struggling while His will was being performed. So the Word given was to “be still!” (or you are going to miss the big show!) So down into the opened sea they went and when they reached the other side they praised God for His mighty acts and His faithfulness. They passed through the waters and were safe.
When the waters of adversity are ahead and there does not seem to be any way around, or over; trust God to lead you through them. If you ask Him He will be there and lead you to the other side. Be still because God is in the house and he is going to do something amazing!
Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes, count your blessings and say your prayers. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.
I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.
Exodus 14: 13 “And Moses said…Fear not, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will show you today!”
Do you remember where Moses was when he gave this command? He was standing before the nation of Israel with the Red Sea in front of them and Pharaoh’s army in the rear. Can you imagine the Hebrew nation saying, “Right Moses, sure!” Moses was trying to show the nation of Israel that they should trust God in the midst of extraordinary circumstances. Not only should they trust completely, but trust with gladness because God was in the house and He was going to do something amazing before their very eyes!
Satan was hard at work that day in the heart of pharaoh and the army of Egypt when Moses told the Israelites to stand still and fear not. Wow! Do you know what makes Satan run faster than anything? Praising God in the midst of tough times and then laughing in the face of adversity. Satan loses all power because God is in the house.
Did you ever wonder why God asked them to be still? Well, I think God wanted to continue the lesson of trust and obedience. God did not want the new nation of Israel to be found struggling while His will was being performed. So the Word given was to “be still!” (or you are going to miss the big show!) So down into the opened sea they went and when they reached the other side they praised God for His mighty acts and His faithfulness. They passed through the waters and were safe.
When the waters of adversity are ahead and there does not seem to be any way around, or over; trust God to lead you through them. If you ask Him He will be there and lead you to the other side. Be still because God is in the house and he is going to do something amazing!
Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes, count your blessings and say your prayers. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.
I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Happy Wednesday!
When I was in school, I am not sure if teachers did summer training or if they just took summers off, but that is certainly not the case with today’s educators. I have already been to two trainings this summer. I will attend another one tomorrow and again in August. I once read a coffee cup that said, “The best part of teaching is June, July and August!” With the addition of technology and its rapid changes, teachers teach school and go to school year round!
Just a quick update, I go tomorrow afternoon (after my training) and get the stitches out of my nose. I will take my last antibiotic tonight and continue the healing process. According to what I have read healing for this type of surgery can take anywhere from three months to a year. I want to thank you all for your kind and heartfelt prayers. Your prayers have been a constant support and have brought a healing balm to me. Your cards, phone calls and concern have been so wonderful. Thank you all so very much.
Matthew 13: 44 “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure a man found, he hides and for joy goes forth and sells all that he has and buys the field.”
The other day I shared with you that I found a “treasure.” The treasure was a dress. The dress is a simple black and red flowered sun dress. The dress was in my size and only marked $7.99. I found myself checking and rechecking the price tag to make sure it was really the correct price. Then I thought maybe there are more! So I began to go through the clothing racks to see if there were any more of these “treasures.” I was going to purchase as many of the dresses (in my size) that were available. I did not find any more, but I was quite diligent in my search.
The man in the passage found a single treasure in a field and was willing to buy the entire field to see if there was more treasure to be found. That is how we should all feel about God’s love for us. God loves us so much that when we first receive His love, grace, forgiveness and tender mercies, it is the most wonderful treasure we have ever discovered. It is so amazing that we continue seeking His love through every means possible. We find His love in those around us. We find His love in the Word. We find His love in our conversations with Him in prayer. And we find His love as we learn to worship. We buy the field and continue to discover the treasures it holds. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow and an endless source of treasured love.
Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes, count your blessings and say your prayers. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.
I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.
When I was in school, I am not sure if teachers did summer training or if they just took summers off, but that is certainly not the case with today’s educators. I have already been to two trainings this summer. I will attend another one tomorrow and again in August. I once read a coffee cup that said, “The best part of teaching is June, July and August!” With the addition of technology and its rapid changes, teachers teach school and go to school year round!
Just a quick update, I go tomorrow afternoon (after my training) and get the stitches out of my nose. I will take my last antibiotic tonight and continue the healing process. According to what I have read healing for this type of surgery can take anywhere from three months to a year. I want to thank you all for your kind and heartfelt prayers. Your prayers have been a constant support and have brought a healing balm to me. Your cards, phone calls and concern have been so wonderful. Thank you all so very much.
Matthew 13: 44 “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure a man found, he hides and for joy goes forth and sells all that he has and buys the field.”
The other day I shared with you that I found a “treasure.” The treasure was a dress. The dress is a simple black and red flowered sun dress. The dress was in my size and only marked $7.99. I found myself checking and rechecking the price tag to make sure it was really the correct price. Then I thought maybe there are more! So I began to go through the clothing racks to see if there were any more of these “treasures.” I was going to purchase as many of the dresses (in my size) that were available. I did not find any more, but I was quite diligent in my search.
The man in the passage found a single treasure in a field and was willing to buy the entire field to see if there was more treasure to be found. That is how we should all feel about God’s love for us. God loves us so much that when we first receive His love, grace, forgiveness and tender mercies, it is the most wonderful treasure we have ever discovered. It is so amazing that we continue seeking His love through every means possible. We find His love in those around us. We find His love in the Word. We find His love in our conversations with Him in prayer. And we find His love as we learn to worship. We buy the field and continue to discover the treasures it holds. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow and an endless source of treasured love.
Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes, count your blessings and say your prayers. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.
I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Happy Tuesday!
It was girl day today. Geni and I spent the day together shopping, having lunch and talking. It was such a nice day. I got the bargain of the day! I think I found the last $8.00 dress in America. We were in Sears and I was just looking (not intending to buy) and came across this summer dress and the price tag really did say $7.99. I bought the dress. I love a great bargain!
Psalm 121:5 “The Lord is your keeper: the Lord is your shade upon your right hand.”
Geni and a friend had a conversation recently. They discussed an old situation that had happened between them about a year ago. The friend had been somewhat reluctant to talk to Geni for about a year. When they finally did talk, Geni said, “I forgave you a long time ago.” Even though her friend thought the friendship had been compromised or perhaps even ended, Geni had remained steadfast in her love for this friend enough to forgive the hurt.
Isn’t it the most wonderful feeling to know that there is nothing we can ever do to go beyond God’s love and care? God loves us so much and so desires a continual relationship with Him, but He cannot do everything. After all, a relationship must involve at least two parties. We must first lay our will at His feet and trust in His will for our lives to be the best choices possible. Next we must trust God and His powerful abilities; “With God ALL things are possible.” Then leave all we have and are with Him with gladness and accept His will trusting that it will bring us joy.
Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes (or maybe rainboots!), count your blessings and say your prayers. Love you all so much, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.
I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.
It was girl day today. Geni and I spent the day together shopping, having lunch and talking. It was such a nice day. I got the bargain of the day! I think I found the last $8.00 dress in America. We were in Sears and I was just looking (not intending to buy) and came across this summer dress and the price tag really did say $7.99. I bought the dress. I love a great bargain!
Psalm 121:5 “The Lord is your keeper: the Lord is your shade upon your right hand.”
Geni and a friend had a conversation recently. They discussed an old situation that had happened between them about a year ago. The friend had been somewhat reluctant to talk to Geni for about a year. When they finally did talk, Geni said, “I forgave you a long time ago.” Even though her friend thought the friendship had been compromised or perhaps even ended, Geni had remained steadfast in her love for this friend enough to forgive the hurt.
Isn’t it the most wonderful feeling to know that there is nothing we can ever do to go beyond God’s love and care? God loves us so much and so desires a continual relationship with Him, but He cannot do everything. After all, a relationship must involve at least two parties. We must first lay our will at His feet and trust in His will for our lives to be the best choices possible. Next we must trust God and His powerful abilities; “With God ALL things are possible.” Then leave all we have and are with Him with gladness and accept His will trusting that it will bring us joy.
Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes (or maybe rainboots!), count your blessings and say your prayers. Love you all so much, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.
I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Happy Monday!
Proverbs 15:15 “All the days of the afflicted are evil; but he that is of a merry heart has a continual feast.”
Karen Carpenter (what a wonderful voice) used to sing of rainy days and Mondays. The lyrics said they always got her down. Well, we so needed the rain even though Bruce and Travis had to stop painting a house that they have almost finished. I am grateful for the rain, but I will also be very glad when they can go back to work.
Does it ever seem like things go wrong on Monday? Have you ever said, “It’s a Monday,” when things are not going right or as expected? I know I have. But then I began to think that that statement is really pretty silly because just as many things can go wrong on any other day of the week too. So let’s think of Monday differently. Monday’s are a day to begin the work week once again. We have spent the weekend hopefully doing some things we do not usually do during the week and then on Monday and we get to begin once again. In this day and time of economic distress being able to go to work on Monday is a grand blessing. Sort of the difference in those who say, “Good Lord it’s Monday,“ as compared to those who say, “It’s Monday, thank you Lord.” It was Monday today and it rained and my geraniums and tomato plants were so happy. So to a geranium a rainy Monday is a grand blessing.
God gives each of us Mondays to experience joy and to have a happy heart and to give thanks. God gives us rain to remind us of His blessings and how they rain down on us because of His love for us and how His love is given. Just like the rain, we have done nothing to make the rain happen or to earn His love. Just like the geraniums, tomato plants and the dry brown yard, we just need to open our heart to receive it and remember to give thanks. Take a moment to dance in the rain and remember how much God loves us.
Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes. Count your blessings (even on a Monday!) and say your prayers. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.
I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.
Proverbs 15:15 “All the days of the afflicted are evil; but he that is of a merry heart has a continual feast.”
Karen Carpenter (what a wonderful voice) used to sing of rainy days and Mondays. The lyrics said they always got her down. Well, we so needed the rain even though Bruce and Travis had to stop painting a house that they have almost finished. I am grateful for the rain, but I will also be very glad when they can go back to work.
Does it ever seem like things go wrong on Monday? Have you ever said, “It’s a Monday,” when things are not going right or as expected? I know I have. But then I began to think that that statement is really pretty silly because just as many things can go wrong on any other day of the week too. So let’s think of Monday differently. Monday’s are a day to begin the work week once again. We have spent the weekend hopefully doing some things we do not usually do during the week and then on Monday and we get to begin once again. In this day and time of economic distress being able to go to work on Monday is a grand blessing. Sort of the difference in those who say, “Good Lord it’s Monday,“ as compared to those who say, “It’s Monday, thank you Lord.” It was Monday today and it rained and my geraniums and tomato plants were so happy. So to a geranium a rainy Monday is a grand blessing.
God gives each of us Mondays to experience joy and to have a happy heart and to give thanks. God gives us rain to remind us of His blessings and how they rain down on us because of His love for us and how His love is given. Just like the rain, we have done nothing to make the rain happen or to earn His love. Just like the geraniums, tomato plants and the dry brown yard, we just need to open our heart to receive it and remember to give thanks. Take a moment to dance in the rain and remember how much God loves us.
Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes. Count your blessings (even on a Monday!) and say your prayers. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.
I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Blessed Sunday! Attached are a few pictures from the Smith Family Reunion of 2010. Enjoy.
The grand-cousins, or children of the cousins.
Girl Cousins.
Travis and Nita (Grandmere).
Luke 9: 62 But Jesus told him, “Anyone who puts a hand to the plow and then looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God.”
A few days ago I went to Kroger and purchased groceries. I paid for my basket of items, or at least I thought I had paid for everything until I got to the car. As I was loading the bags in the car I noticed a small bag of lettuce that was by my purse in the seat of the basket. I cost less than a dollar, but I had not paid for it. I was immediately reminded of a story Bruce told me some years ago.
It seems that a new minister came to town. He wanted to get the lay of the land so he got on a bus and began to tour the city. As he got on the bus he paid for his trip and received some change back. As he sat in the bus he noticed that the bus driver had given him too much change back. At first he thought it really doesn’t matter it is only a few cents and then he remembered the real cost of keeping the extra money. So as he prepared to depart from the bus, he returned the extra change. He told the bus driver that he was a new preacher in town and that he (the bus driver) gave him (the preacher) too much change. The bus driver admitted that he knew that the man was a minister and just wanted to see what he would do. The bus driver welcomed him to town and thanked him for his honesty and not just talking the talk, but walking the walk of a Christian. The bus pulled away and the preacher began to shake and had to steady himself by grabbing onto a nearby pole. He raised his head toward the sky and was heard to say, “Forgive me, Father, I almost sold your Son for a quarter.”
You know once we decide to follow Jesus there is no turning back. The old song says, “The world behind me, the cross before me. No turning back.” We are called to builders of the kingdom. Christ is counting on us to be His voice and His actions here on earth to show others the way to the throne of God.
Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes, count your blessings and say your prayers. Love you all so very much, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.
I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.
PS I took the bag of lettuce back into the store, explained my mistake and paid for the lettuce. I could not live with myself with the thought that I could have sold the Son of God for a bag of lettuce. Didn’t a man named Judas…?
Happy Saturday!
We have just spent the last two days with family from near and far. Members of my Mom’s family from the Metroplex, south Texas and Indiana all gathered in the North Texas area to celebrate family. We called it a cousin’s reunion. There were about 40 of us in attendance. And that is not even all of us. We celebrated the families who raised all of us and the families given us to raise. Each of us (first cousins) had our parents present and each of the cousins except one had our children present. We called that last group the “grand cousins.”
We laughed, talked, ate, prayed, sang, hugged, went swimming, ate some more and remembered. The last two days were wonderful and a time of amazing reunion and great joy. I think a lot of the pictures will be posted on Facebook. I hope if you are a Facebook participant and look at the pictures you will see the love and joy on each face. It is a time none of us will soon forget.
I think my favorite statement from the weekend came from my daughter Geni after the first time and spending hours in conversation and uncontrolled laughter, “Mom, I love our family.” Today Bruce and I found a simple wall hanging and brought it home that says, Families are Forever. I cannot improve on that!
Psalm 106: 13 “They soon forget His works; they waited not for His counsel.”
How often do we forget the blessings that have been given to us so unselfishly by our heavenly Father? I was asked twice this weekend to deliver a blessing. I was given a little bit (just a few minutes) of notice before I needed to lift the grace before the meals we shared. So I began to think about what to pray before this family that means so much to me. So I asked God what He wanted to hear. I gave thanks for the love of this family because of the loved given by God through Jesus.
I gave thanks on behalf of the cousins for the families that raised us and then the families we were given to raise. I gave thanks for the love in the blood that all connected us as a family and for the blood of Jesus that covers us in a blanket of forgiveness and perfect everlasting love. I thanked God that He sent Jesus to be raised in a family and for the honor and blessing He had given this family.
My prayer for each of us is to have the blessing of being a part of a loving family and the indescribable joy in being part of the family of God as a child of God and brother to Jesus. Let us never forget to give thanks for those who mean so much to each of us.
Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes, count your blessings and say your prayers. Love you all and give thanks for each of you, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.
I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.
We have just spent the last two days with family from near and far. Members of my Mom’s family from the Metroplex, south Texas and Indiana all gathered in the North Texas area to celebrate family. We called it a cousin’s reunion. There were about 40 of us in attendance. And that is not even all of us. We celebrated the families who raised all of us and the families given us to raise. Each of us (first cousins) had our parents present and each of the cousins except one had our children present. We called that last group the “grand cousins.”
We laughed, talked, ate, prayed, sang, hugged, went swimming, ate some more and remembered. The last two days were wonderful and a time of amazing reunion and great joy. I think a lot of the pictures will be posted on Facebook. I hope if you are a Facebook participant and look at the pictures you will see the love and joy on each face. It is a time none of us will soon forget.
I think my favorite statement from the weekend came from my daughter Geni after the first time and spending hours in conversation and uncontrolled laughter, “Mom, I love our family.” Today Bruce and I found a simple wall hanging and brought it home that says, Families are Forever. I cannot improve on that!
Psalm 106: 13 “They soon forget His works; they waited not for His counsel.”
How often do we forget the blessings that have been given to us so unselfishly by our heavenly Father? I was asked twice this weekend to deliver a blessing. I was given a little bit (just a few minutes) of notice before I needed to lift the grace before the meals we shared. So I began to think about what to pray before this family that means so much to me. So I asked God what He wanted to hear. I gave thanks for the love of this family because of the loved given by God through Jesus.
I gave thanks on behalf of the cousins for the families that raised us and then the families we were given to raise. I gave thanks for the love in the blood that all connected us as a family and for the blood of Jesus that covers us in a blanket of forgiveness and perfect everlasting love. I thanked God that He sent Jesus to be raised in a family and for the honor and blessing He had given this family.
My prayer for each of us is to have the blessing of being a part of a loving family and the indescribable joy in being part of the family of God as a child of God and brother to Jesus. Let us never forget to give thanks for those who mean so much to each of us.
Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes, count your blessings and say your prayers. Love you all and give thanks for each of you, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.
I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.
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