If you look carefully, you will see a couple of dolphins at play. They were part of a pod that numbered probably 50 that we saw on the way back to Galveston.
Happy Friday!
Romans 16: 19 “…be wise in what is good, and guileless in what is evil.”
Just about 10 months ago at the time of this writing our beloved Casey went to be with God for eternity. I have thought of him many times today. Sometimes the pictures in my head go back to those final moments when I looked into his face for the last time. Those memories are pretty terrible for me. I am trying to practice thinking about his life before cancer and the very happy times I spent being his mom. I think about the times he would call me for a date. He and I would go to one of his favorite places to eat and just enjoy time together. I often remember the silly voices he would use that always made me laugh. I think about the times when he would kitchen dance with me and I taught him how to cook. As unusual as this may sound, it takes some thought to practice remembering those happier times. I know I will never forget the last moment spent with Casey and how I would not have ever been any place else and sometimes those are the memories that come first. As soon as that picture is in my mind I try to remember a time when he just walked in the door and hit the fridge and made me laugh.
Our spirit filled lives are full of times to practice the gifts that God have given us. He gave us the gifts of love, forgiveness, kindness, tender mercies and eternal grace. I think God would rather us remember those gifts and practice them on each other than dwelling on our past failures and faults. God has forgiven us our failures and faults and given us the gift of His heart. When Jesus was crucified He took all of our faults, failures and sins upon Himself and they died as He drew His last breath. I think that is why we have empty unfinished crosses in our church.
First, we do not worship a crucified Christ, but a risen Christ and second, the work of the cross is never finished. We always get a chance to practice His gracious gifts over and over again.
Take joy in the journey friends and practice, practice, practice!! Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.
I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.
PS Travis is registered for school! He is headed to Tarrant County North East Campus in the fall. That means three of us in college in the following year. Pray for us all! gc