from Austin Street
Saturday! All is well here at 811.
Dear God,
thank you for setting me free. I will live with my head held high—being the
best me I can be for your glory. Lord, I think the fatigue from the radiation
is beginning. I know there are things that I must still do during the day. So
Lord, when I am weary let me rest in you. When I rest in you, I am close to
your power which becomes my strength for life.
I pray for energy that comes from you so when I rest, may I be renewed
with the energy that only you can give. Become strong in me Lord even when my
body is tired. I love you Lord. In Jesus name, amen.
I began my
first yoga lessons today. The video I purchased begins with a demonstration of some
of the different poses used in yoga exercise. This demonstration took about an
hour. I must admit I was really glad I was alone as I attempted this for the
first time. Some of the poses I could accomplish and some are going to need a
great deal of practice. But when I
finished even though I was pretty rough and I felt pretty good about completing
the demonstration. I was not perfect or even close, but I felt pretty good
about my efforts. The thing is I got up, rolled up my purple mat, corrected my
posture and “held my head high.”
In my daily
quest to not be held captive by cancer, my efforts today helped me to begin to become
free of cancer and move into a more healing frame of mind. Doing something I
have never before considered doing has inspired me to better myself in spite of
cancer, radiation and fatigue. I am
refusing to let this disease and the treatments for its cure to oppress or hurt
my spirit. It is new disciplines that gives me hope and will (forgive the pun) stretch
me to begin something new. So even though I do not even begin to look like
the woman demonstrating on my DVD I still finished with my “head held high”
secure in the knowledge that I can do this.
And when I
am so very tired and do not want to do anything I know God will give me rest
that will sustain me. Whether my exhaustion is physical, spiritual and/or emotional,
in rest I know God becomes stronger and hopefully in my weakness God will use
me for his glory.
“He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths
bringing honor to his name.”
Psalm 23: 3
“I have set you free; now walk with your head held high.”
Leviticus 26: 13
Take joy in
the journey and when you are tired rest in God so that he may strengthen and
sustain you. I ask tonight for your prayers for my good friend Nathan Russell
who is being ordained tomorrow. Ask God to bless him into the ministry of Christ.
Wear comfortable shoes, get some sleep and think pink! Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene