Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Greetings from Austin Street
Happy Wednesday!  All is well here at 811.  Day 5 down 29 to go! I had a wonderful post- graduation  and pre-ordination lunch with my dear friend Nathan Russell today. He will be ordained this coming Sunday afternoon.  The food was delicious, the conversation wonderful and the spirit of Christian friendship permeated the air.  And…the French press coffee was perfect!

Dear God, You have done astounding things. I praise you that not one word of your promises has  ever failed.  Thank you for helping me. I trust you, remaining confident that you will transform all things for the furthering of your life in me and your glory.  I claim the scripture  “I will always thank God for what he has done; I will praise his good name when his people meet.” (Ps. 52: 9) I love you Lord. In Jesus name, amen.

Have you ever been promised something and the promise did not pan out? I think all of us have had this happen.  Promises made my man are not always kept, but promises made by God are always kept. Our problem is that we tend to put an end date as to when God’s promises are supposed to be come true. I think about Abraham. He was over a hundred years old when God promised him many children and that they would have a land of their own. Well he did produce offspring. He also tried to hurry that promise along by having a child by Hagar and we all know how that turned out! The Hebrew children did have a land of their own, but only after a 400 year captivity in Egypt.  When they finally arrived in the Promised Land they realized that God had kept His promise in His time and when they were ready to receive the promise in its full breadth.  God has pledged some pretty amazing things and his record on promise keeping is without fail.

So my friends, if we are experiencing circumstances in which we are really frustrated and the path we are going seems to be going counter to promises God has made, we must remember with faith and hope that God will work out everything in His time. When we are ready to receive His promises in full measure the promise will be kept.

“Not a word failed of any good thing which the Lord had spoken to the house of Israel. All came to pass.”
Joshua 21: 43
“It is the Lord your God who fights for you, just as he promised you. Be very careful, therefore to love the Lord your God.”
Joshua 23: 10-11

Take joy in the journey and trust in God’s faithful love forever and ever. Wear comfortable shoes, get some sleep and think pink!  Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene

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