from Austin Street
TGIF Today God is First! All is well here at 811. Bruce is preparing
to spend Saturday at the Allred Prison for the Kairos monthly prayer and share. This is such a wonderful ministry to a largely
forgotten community of people and a ministry that is a fiery passion in Bruce’s
heart. These brothers have learned that even though they are separated from
society they are not separated from God.
Please pray for both residents and the team of men who will come
together tomorrow to share God’s Word and pray for and with each other.
A joy to
share…during this season of Lent Bruce and I have begun having a brief
devotional time together before we put head to pillow. It is just a scripture
passage and a couple of paragraphs of reflection from a devotional book. We
have both had our own scripture studies for a long time, but never together. It
is a moment in our day to which we look forward. I am thankful.
Dear God,
Thank you for loving me unconditionally and welcoming me wholeheartedly. Your
love is too wonderful for words. Lord, help me to open my heart and mind to
receive all that you have for me each day.
Help me to experience the love that heals and creates a space to be and
be well. Where there is hatred Lord, let
me sow love. I love you Lord. In Jesus
name, Amen.
Cynthia Clawson
sings a piece with this phrase, “with all the plans at His command He chose to
die for me.” That phrase takes my breath
away and humbles me to the very core of my being. This phrase speaks of the unconditional love
of God for us. When God calls us by name He says “Beloved” proclaiming how dearly
He loves us. This is a depth of love
that is impossible for us to understand. But it is love that empowers us to
trust in God’s unfailing love. Spending regular
quality time with God will find us in God’s living presence helping us to truly
believe that the extraordinary love of God really belongs to us. My friend Jan is embarking on a journey of
365 days to read scripture. She calls her time for scripture study “protected
time.” I like that. I was asked if I gave up something for the season of Lent.
I told her that I usually added a spiritual discipline. So in addition to my nightly devotional
reading and reflection I have added a second discipline in my journey with Ms.
Angelou. These times in my day are protected time. While we are not worthy to receive God’s
grace through His unconditional love ; daily scripture reading, prayer and meditation
on God’s character through God’s Word will deepen our understanding of His love
and prepare us to be receptacles for His grace.
“May your unfailing love rest upon us, O LORD, even as we
put our hope in you.”
Psalm 33:22
Take joy in
the journey and pray for those family, friends, acquaintances and strangers—whose
lives are suffering with burdens, that they might experience the love that
heals and creates a space to be and be healed.
Wear comfortable shoes and get some sleep. Love you all, Bruce and