Friday, April 12, 2013

Happy Friday!

I know I usually begin with prayer, but I opened my devotional book and these were the words:

“REJOICE AND EXULT IN HOPE. Raise a shout of Joy! You have good reason to be joyful because you’re on your way to heaven. I have paid the penalty for your sins and clothed you in My own righteousness. This is the basis for hope.”

When we come into relationship with God through Jesus we begin the journey to eternal life. I don’t think the author means that we are all going to experience earthly death soon, but what I do think is that no matter what is going on in our lives right now our Hope in God is secure.  No one or anything can remove us from the loving hand of God  and thus securing our absolute eternal security.

We must remain in constant prayer and especially when we are experiencing difficulties or walking tough roads.  We have to stay in close communication with our Creator and Savior so that our faith is not tested by stress and fatigue.  This allows us to be able to use the strength given to us when it is at its strongest—in other words, when we  focus on God and not on how tired and stressed we are, the power of the Holy Spirit works at its peak in us.  We become Spirit controlled.  WOW!!

“Rejoice and exult in hope; be steadfast and patient in suffering and tribulation; be constant in prayer.”

Romans 12:12

Prayer:  Lord, right now we pray this scripture and give great thanks that have chosen us in which to lavish your limitless storehouse of spiritual treasure out of Your love. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.

Take joy in the journey and remember that hope does not disappoint.  Wear comfortable shoes, give thanks with a grateful heart and get some sleep.  Love you, Bruce and Gaylene.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am only moved by what I believe and I believe God.

Prayer alert:  Bruce travels to Wichita Falls for the final team meeting for the Allred weekend next week. Please pray for these wonderful servants and they prepare to take the gospel into the prison and share fellowship with this community.  Peace, gc

Happy Thursday! 

Prayer:  Holy One, tonight I lift up my friend, Casey Carter. You know how ill he is and what it will take to restore him to wellness.  Help his body to have the strength to heal and withstand the medications, therapies and surgery it will take to correct the problems.  Bless this child of God with Your healing presence. May he rest in Your peace and trust You with each breath that he takes.

If there are those of you who are reading this are in need of healing please claim this prayer for yourself and join in the prayers of others for all who are in need of healing.  In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

“Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.”

Psalm 62: 5-6

Casey Carter is a colleague of mine from Brite who is in the Jewish Studies program. We have had several classes together. He is a gifted and talented man who is the cantor and music director for a local synagogue. He sings like an angel and has a precious and dear spirit. He had some serious health problems in the fall semester and is still experiencing very serious health issues now.  Please add Casey to your prayer lists.

I think when we are sick or someone close to us is experiencing health problems we find ourselves seeking God’s presence.  The good news is that God is all around us and closer than the very air we breathe.  Our need for God’s presence is as constant as our need for oxygen.  Just say the name “Jesus” or in Casey’s case,” Yahweh”. Sing it, whisper it, shout it and remember what it means, “The Lord saves.”  Pray the names of God with words of love and trust letting our hearts overflow with gratitude for all that God is to us and all God has done for us.

Take joy in the journey remembering that hope does not disappoint.  Wear comfortable shoes, pray with a heart filled with gratitude and get some sleep. Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am only moved by what I believe and I believe God.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Happy Wednesday!

Prayer:  Holy and most loving Lord, sometimes in this world there is so much clutter that it is really difficult to find a moment of Peace within the chaos and try to set priorities.  Let us remember that the way to Peace is to remember to place our relationship with You as our top priority.  I pray that You would nurture and strengthen us as we grow in deeper relationship with you.   In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.

“Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind,’ This is the first and greatest commandment.”

Matthew 22: 37-38

There is nothing more important in our lives than our relationship with God. It is in the daily communion with God that allows us to sort out our priorities.  Our focused time with God and ongoing communication I think is what this verse is all about. The clearest teaching we can receive about God is through scripture reading because Holy Scripture reveals the glory of God. Making God our first priority gives focus to our thinking and our priorities seem to fall into place.  

God does not want us to have cluttered thinking, but clear thinking. Sometimes all we need to do is to stop, take a breath and speak the name Jesus and the most wonderful peace will wash over our souls.  So tomorrow if life becomes overwhelming remember the first and greatest commandment to love the Lord with ALL your heart, mind and soul and see if the chaos becomes calm and clear thinking becomes present.

Take joy in the journey remembering that hope does not disappoint. Wear comfortable shoes, give thanks with a grateful heart and get some sleep. Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am only moved by what I believe and I believe God.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Happy Monday!

The countdown to the end of the semester has begun. After tomorrow I have one more brief paper due in Religion and Violence and one final longer paper. In Immigration and Religion I have one small paper and one paper left.  WOW!

If any of you are on Facebook, Travis posted a picture of a t-shirt where he is the feature on the shirt. It is a picture of him lifting 760 pounds in competition.  The shirts are available for purchase. We are so excited and very proud of him.

Prayer:  Beautiful Savior you have planted the seed of love in our hearts. It is in the shape of a thorn. But from the bushes with the thorns grow the most beautiful flowers. The flowering of Your love growing in our hearts reminding us that You have overcome the world and nothing can ever separate us from Your love. It is because of Your victory on the cross that no matter what it is that we face Your love will be ever present within us.  Thank you loving and beautiful Savior. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.

“Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Romans 8: 39

During the times when I have grieved the most I have tried to find something for which to be joyful.  I remember when I was about 20 years old, the members of my little home church in Howe, Texas loved to play stump the song leader with me. There was an old song from the brown Cokesbury hymnal, “Count Your Blessings.”  The song told me that when my life was tempest tossed and I thought all was lost that I was to count my blessings and name them one by one to see what God has done. 

          Finding joy in our hearts and filling our minds with thankful thoughts can cause an overflow of joy in the gloomiest of situations. Sadness happens, but it is a short term thing. Fear is not of God. Fear permeates your very soul and Satan thrives on our fears. The best way I know to defeat Satan is to praise God because He is God and the One from whom all blessings flow.  Geni and Travis both sport tattoos that say, “When your life is in discord, praise the Lord.”  Praising God is the best protection from Satan and his lies and deceptions I know. For when we praise God in the toughest times we stand on holy ground.  Holy ground is sacred space where we are in the place of perfect love and are out of Satan’s reach.

Take joy in the journey remembering that hope does not disappoint. Wear comfortable shoes, pray with a heart of thankfulness and get some sleep.  Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am only moved by what I believe and I believe God.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Blessed Sunday to you all! 

First, I must tell you how blessed I was today to be in worship led by the youth of Rush Creek. About 30 of the youth from Rush Creek led us in uplifting worship in music, six wonderful speakers and prayers. These young folks really impressed me with their hearts for worship and thoughtful planning.  I am convinced that the church is in good hands with hearts and spirits committed to worship and service in the young adults I witnessed today.

Prayer alert: I have spoken of our friend who was diagnosed with cancer. He begins chemotherapy round  #2 tonight. Please pray for him and that the chemotherapy reduces and rids him of the cancer in his lungs. 

Prayer: Holy Lord, You are the master healer. Malachi says that the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in His wings. Tonight I claim the healing wings of Your Son to cover all who are sick, that they will be restored to wellness and healed in body, soul and spirit. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

“But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released.”

Malachi 4:2

The abiding presence of God in our lives grows deeper and stronger the closer we remain to Him. The intimacy of nearness to God is found in the healing wings of the Savior.  The healing presence of God binds our wounds while the Holy Spirit furthers the healing process with its power and might.  The Holy light of God allows us to see things - not through earthly eyes - but through the heart of God freeing us from fear.  When we lay down our fear before the cross of Christ we are able to see the truth about who God is and what Jesus has done for us.

Take joy in this amazing journey of faith remembering that hope does not disappoint and His promises, they do not fail! Wear comfortable shoes, pray with a heart filled with belief in the living God and gratitude, and get some sleep. Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am only moved by what I believe and I believe God.