Happy Friday!
I know I usually begin with prayer, but I opened my
devotional book and these were the words:
“REJOICE AND EXULT IN HOPE. Raise a shout of Joy! You
have good reason to be joyful because you’re on your way to heaven. I have paid
the penalty for your sins and clothed you in My own righteousness. This is the
basis for hope.”
When we come into relationship with God through Jesus we
begin the journey to eternal life. I don’t think the author means that we are
all going to experience earthly death soon, but what I do think is that no
matter what is going on in our lives right now our Hope in God is secure. No one or anything can remove us from the
loving hand of God and thus securing our
absolute eternal security.
We must remain in constant prayer and especially when we
are experiencing difficulties or walking tough roads. We have to stay in close communication with
our Creator and Savior so that our faith is not tested by stress and
fatigue. This allows us to be able to
use the strength given to us when it is at its strongest—in other words, when
we focus on God and not on how tired and
stressed we are, the power of the Holy Spirit works at its peak in us. We become Spirit controlled. WOW!!
and exult in hope; be steadfast and patient in suffering and tribulation; be
constant in prayer.”
Prayer: Lord,
right now we pray this scripture and give great thanks that have chosen us in
which to lavish your limitless storehouse of spiritual treasure out of Your
love. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.
Take joy in the journey and remember that hope does not
disappoint. Wear comfortable shoes, give
thanks with a grateful heart and get some sleep. Love you, Bruce and Gaylene.
I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I
feel. I am only moved by what I believe and I believe God.
Prayer alert:
Bruce travels to Wichita Falls for the final team meeting for the Allred
weekend next week. Please pray for these wonderful servants and they prepare to
take the gospel into the prison and share fellowship with this community. Peace, gc