Thursday, November 15, 2012

Happy Thursday! 

I have spent the day writing my New Testament exegesis paper.  I think it is complete, but I am putting it to bed for the night and will look at it again tomorrow before sending to my beloved editor.  I have learned many things as I have written this paper, but the most important think I have discovered consistently is that forgiveness comes by faith in God through belief in Jesus. 

Prayer:  Lord, I am what I am by Your grace. I am saved because of Your grace and can live for Your glory because of Your grace.  I shudder to think where I would be apart from Your grace. Today I need Your grace to strengthen and to guard me. Let my speech be seasoned with grace, my attitude motivated by grace, and my actions directed by grace alone. I pray that I would extend Your grace to others, as You have been so gracious to me. Amen.

“But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”
James 4: 6

I have always thought of the Book of James as where the rubber meets the road kind of writing.  It seems like a book of rules to live by with not a lot of gray area.  Our salvation is by grace alone.  My meditation tonight says that “no one in heaven is boasting about how they got there.” I love that line.  

There are no bragging rights in heaven—only humble, grateful praises directed to God and the Lamb of God.  You know that phrase in the Lord’s prayer that says, “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”? That means that God’s will is the last word in heaven and needs to be done on earth.  God saves us and fits us for heaven by grace and then requires us to live by that grace here on earth. 

I learn more each day about my need for God in every situation in which I find myself. I pray as I write these papers.  I pray that they are not only academically accurate, but that they also identify where I stand in my faith.  As I continue on in this journey of seminary learning and path to ordination I find myself growing weaker in my outer self and God is strengthening me inwardly.  I pray for inward holiness and an outward witness by God’s grace.  I know these things cannot be accomplished in me without God for without God I can do nothing. 

Take joy in the journey.  Wear comfortable shoes and get some sleep.  God has our back tonight so only one of us needs to remain awake.  Count your blessings and say your prayers.  Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am only moved by what I believe and I believe God.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Happy Wednesday! 

Today is my birthday and I am 57 years old.  Today I would like to share with you my devotional reading from this morning.  What an amazing way to begin my birthday.

Jesus Calling - November 14, 2012

          Bask in the Luxury of being fully understood and unconditionally loved. Dare to see yourself as I see you: radiant in My righteousness, cleansed by My blood.  I view you as the one I created you to be, the one you will be in actuality when heaven becomes your home.  It is My Life within you that is changing you from glory to glory. Rejoice in this mysterious miracle!  Thank Me continually for the amazing gift of My Spirit within you.

          Try to depend on the help of the Spirit as you go through this day of life. Pause briefly from time to time so you can consult with the Holy One inside you. He will not force you to do His bidding, but he will guide you as you give Him space in your life.  Walk along this wondrous way of collaboration with His spirit.

Take joy in the journey.  Wear comfortable shoes and get some sleep. Count your blessings and say your prayers.  Love you all and thank you for your many birthday wishes. Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am only moved by what I believe and I believe God.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Happy Tuesday! 

Prayer:  Lord, You are so forgiving. Thank You that You put my sin away and do not bring it up again. You have said You will cast all my sins into the depth of the sea (Micah 7:19). Thank You for dealing with me in Your love and compassion. Grant me grace to do the same for others today for Your glory. In Jesus name, Amen.

“See that no one renders evil for evil to anyone, but always pursue what is good both for yourselves and for all.”
1 Thessalonians 5: 15

It takes a lot to make me mad.  I mean really mad to where I might say something I regret.  However, if someone says or does something that is hurtful to me it takes some self-control not to say hurtful things back to them.  Maybe when we are saying some of the hurtful things it feels pretty good for a few minutes, but when we reflect on that time we find it to be regrettable.  When we are treated poorly we may be tempted to retaliate.

Retaliation is contrary to scripture, Christ and our new nature.  It is also not natural to bottle up all of those feelings and take it on the chin.  We are called to respond with good and not evil. 

This is not an easy command to follow, but we need to remember that we do not deserve God’s grace, but it is given freely to each of us.  We are called to pursue good for a person who treats us poorly.  We never have the right to treat anyone with unkindness. 

Take some time today to reflect on God’s kindness and appreciate how God cares for each of us. We do not deserve this perfect care, but God cares for us more than we will ever know.

Take joy in the journey.  Wear comfortable shoes, throw an extra blanket on the bed tonight and get some sleep.  Count your blessings and say your prayers.  Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am only moved by what I believe and I believe God.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Happy Monday! 

Today I participated in a worship service at Brite to launch the Soul Repair Center housed at Brite Divinity School.  It is a center that focuses its attention on those who have returned home from serving our country in military service.  Injuries are not always something you can see. Sometimes injury is only seen by the One who can heal from the inside out. I am proud to be associated with a seminary that not only provides an excellent theological education, but also cares for those who are broken and in need of healing.

Prayer:  Lord, I begin my day knowing I am not alone. You desire fellowship with me and made our relationship possible through the Cross of Your son, Jesus Christ. I am humbled at the thought of Your presence. I am thankful that You will never leave me or forsake me. I will live today consciously aware of Your presence in my life and in every situation I encounter. Thank You for the assurance of everlasting life in heaven, where I will enjoy Your presence forever. Amen.”

In my Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.”
John 14:2,3

Bruce is currently one of many contractors who are preparing and making ready for sale a house that we have named “the mansion.”  It has four floors, a guest house, wine tasting room with a wine cellar, a dry sauna and exercise room, seven bathrooms with the master bath as large as my living room.  It is a beautiful house and when all is said and done it will sell for seven figures.  It is truly an amazing place.  As amazing as this house made of stone, mortar, tile and wires is, it will not hold a candle to the place in everlasting glory with our Lord, Jesus Christ.  Someday the house Bruce is repairing will be but dust.  The place God has prepared for we who believe in Jesus will never crumble or fade or be in need of repair.  

The “mansion” will provide earthly comfort, but the house God has prepared for us will provide heavenly comfort because we will live with Jesus.  We live our lives here on earth with Jesus’ presence as our reality through the power of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Scriptures, and those who love the Lord.  Living with Jesus in heaven is our future reality.  We can live in full assurance of His never ceasing love and never again worry about a roof over our heads!

Take joy in the journey.  Wear comfortable shoes and get some sleep.  Count your blessings and say your prayers.  Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am only moved by what I believe and I believe God.

Prayers please:  Once again, it is crunch time for me and the end of the semester.  I have three papers and one test due between now and Dec. 12. I am a little nervous about my New Testament class.  I have enjoyed the class, but the teacher teaches really fast and her class is the one with the test.  Pray for me to remember all of the things I need to remember to do well.  Thank you. gc

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Blessed Sunday to you all! 

My sermons went well today.  I have a wonderful admiration for those pastors who do this week after week.  Congregational pastors preach each week and then have pastoral commitments following services, so, following both services today there was an activity that Pastor Chris and I led that involved the 4th and 5th graders.  It was a really busy day.  Pray for your pastors daily my friends.  They need the strength of our prayers to sustain them. 

Prayer:  “Heavenly Father, thank You. Thank You for the blood of Jesus.   By it You have forgiven me all of my sin.  By it You have purchased my freedom from sin and made me Your very own. Your blood has set me free from the power of sin and darkness and now empowers me to live righteously as a citizen of Your kingdom of light.  Thank You, Lord. Amen”

“He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sin.”
Colossians 1: 13-14

One of the keys to living an abundant life is realizing the blessings that are being offered in the verses from Colossians. As believers in Jesus we are no longer controlled by the power of sin---we have been delivered from it by the blood of Jesus and sin and death no longer have any authority over us.  God through the power of the cross has given us the power and authority over sin. 

The woman I preached about this morning felt completely powerless over her own situation.  She had been so used and abused by life that she had not the strength to even think of how to pull herself up and change her life.  But then she heard the words of Jesus.  She heard about the forgiveness of sins.  She heard about His offering of healing and restoration.  She heard about a kingdom in words so plain and filled with love that she began to think that she could become a child of God once again.  She began to believe she could live a life in triumph over the power of darkness because Jesus had forgiven her sins and affirmed her faith as her salvation. 

Let us give thanks that we have a Savior who takes great joy in forgiving His children and restoring them with love and grace.  We live in victory when we kneel at the highest place of all… at the feet of Jesus.

Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes and get some sleep.  Count your blessings and say your prayers.  Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am only moved by what I believe and I believe God.

Prayer request:  It is crunch time at school. I have papers to write, a major test for which to study and a church to serve. Add the holidays to the mix and it makes for a very hectic few weeks.  Thank you for your prayers now and continuing.  Peace, gc