Monday, November 12, 2012

Happy Monday! 

Today I participated in a worship service at Brite to launch the Soul Repair Center housed at Brite Divinity School.  It is a center that focuses its attention on those who have returned home from serving our country in military service.  Injuries are not always something you can see. Sometimes injury is only seen by the One who can heal from the inside out. I am proud to be associated with a seminary that not only provides an excellent theological education, but also cares for those who are broken and in need of healing.

Prayer:  Lord, I begin my day knowing I am not alone. You desire fellowship with me and made our relationship possible through the Cross of Your son, Jesus Christ. I am humbled at the thought of Your presence. I am thankful that You will never leave me or forsake me. I will live today consciously aware of Your presence in my life and in every situation I encounter. Thank You for the assurance of everlasting life in heaven, where I will enjoy Your presence forever. Amen.”

In my Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.”
John 14:2,3

Bruce is currently one of many contractors who are preparing and making ready for sale a house that we have named “the mansion.”  It has four floors, a guest house, wine tasting room with a wine cellar, a dry sauna and exercise room, seven bathrooms with the master bath as large as my living room.  It is a beautiful house and when all is said and done it will sell for seven figures.  It is truly an amazing place.  As amazing as this house made of stone, mortar, tile and wires is, it will not hold a candle to the place in everlasting glory with our Lord, Jesus Christ.  Someday the house Bruce is repairing will be but dust.  The place God has prepared for we who believe in Jesus will never crumble or fade or be in need of repair.  

The “mansion” will provide earthly comfort, but the house God has prepared for us will provide heavenly comfort because we will live with Jesus.  We live our lives here on earth with Jesus’ presence as our reality through the power of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Scriptures, and those who love the Lord.  Living with Jesus in heaven is our future reality.  We can live in full assurance of His never ceasing love and never again worry about a roof over our heads!

Take joy in the journey.  Wear comfortable shoes and get some sleep.  Count your blessings and say your prayers.  Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am only moved by what I believe and I believe God.

Prayers please:  Once again, it is crunch time for me and the end of the semester.  I have three papers and one test due between now and Dec. 12. I am a little nervous about my New Testament class.  I have enjoyed the class, but the teacher teaches really fast and her class is the one with the test.  Pray for me to remember all of the things I need to remember to do well.  Thank you. gc

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