Happy Friday!
I have been asked to read the scripture passages at the
Brite Divinity School Hooding Exercises Saturday morning. I am humbly honored to be a part of this
wonderful event. So like any girl, I got
my hair cut, nails done, laid out my clothes and practiced reading the passages
because I really do not want to flub during the service tomorrow. Someday, it will be me being hooded so I am
excited to be able to participate in such a special way by reading God’s Word. Please
offer up a prayer that I may bring honor to God. Thank you, friends.
Prayer: “Father,
You show me Your love abundantly. One of
the greatest ways is allowing me to come into Your presence unendingly. What a joy!
I do not take that for granted.
Thank You for letting me be a part of Your family. Thank You for so loving me that You would
give Your only Son to die for me. Thank
You for placing Your Holy Spirit within my heart. Because I love You today there will be some
who oppose me. Give me the wisdom to
watch and pray all day long. Amen.”
it came to pass in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray, and
continued all night in prayer to God.”
6: 12
Jesus was a praying man.
He prayed in large groups, with the Disciples and sometimes He prayed
alone. Jesus was praying at this time
because of the rampant opposition He was facing by those who hated Him. The need for prayer was so great within the
life of Jesus that he had to retreat to the solitude of the mountain for His
own safely and so He could focus totally on the communion He was having with
His Father.
If Jesus felt the extraordinary need to pray, how much
more do we need to pray and take the gift of prayer seriously? We can meet God anywhere and at anytime. The passage says, Jesus prayed all
night.” Jesus needed instruction and
communication with His heavenly Father to face the days ahead in obedience to
His calling from God. Again, I ask
you…if Jesus felt the need to pray through the hours of the night then how much
more do we need to pray for what and who we face each day. There is no reason to face our tough
situations and feed to idolatry of self-reliance. Let us not forfeit our peace and bear
needless pain. Let us do what the old
hymn of the church says, “Take it to the Lord in prayer.”
Take joy in the journey.
Wear comfortable shoes and get some sleep. God doesn’t sleep so both of you need not
stay awake. Count your blessings and say
your prayers. Love you all, Bruce,
Gaylene, Geni and Travis.
am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am only moved by
what I believe and I believe God.