Saturday, October 19, 2013

Greetings from Austin Street

Happy Saturday!  We had such a lovely day!  We ran errands and then went out to lunch. I do not remember the last time we went to lunch. If you are a FB person and saw Bruce’s picture you might have noticed his hat. Bruce had not used his Target gift Card from his birthday (He was in patient during his birthday)  and purchased for himself a hat. It looks so good on him and he loved being out and making a purchase.  However I think our busy day took its toll and he is really tired. We still had grocery shopping to do, and he took his IPad mini and sat at the tables outside the floral department at Kroger while I shopped. He is really tired. So I have encouraged him to get some rest so he has lots of energy for tomorrow. We are so excited that Bruce’s brother Dale from Memphis is coming for the day.  We have not seen him since Bruce was in the hospital following the stroke. Nothing major has been planned just lunch and a great visit.  God is so good and love wins!

Lord, thank You for being with me when I need you the most. Thank You for the direction You give and the way you fill my heart with quiet assurance. “With my whole heart I have sought thee:  O let me not wander from Your commandments.” (Psalm 119: 10)

It seems to be the week to study about making decisions and asking God for help and direction when decisions need to be made.  Most of the time, when we make decisions, we are not the only one our decisions effect. Sometimes the decisions we make are to solve problems. We really wish God would just ride in on a white horse and remove the problem so that we do not have to deal. And maybe for some folks that is what happens. As for me I am usually meant to learn a lesson. But here is the good news about God and problems. God removing our problems is not always what is best. When we collaborate with God with decisions that need to be made, opportunities that we never considered would not present themselves.  We do not have to deal with difficult choices alone and without help. God will show us the way to go and will help as we deal with issues, problems and decisions as we wade through facts and emotions.  When whatever decision(s) is/are that need to be made get made we just need to do our best. I think the real lesson we are to learn here is that solving the problem is not near as important as trusting God is in the midst of them.  I believe that God will lead us to do what is right for our lives and in His loving will we will do what is right for our lives and those we love. Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes and let us all get some sleep.  Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene

“Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.”

Psalm 119: 11



Friday, October 18, 2013

Greetings from Austin Street

TGIF! Today God is First!  811 is doing okay. Bruce has had two headaches today. Headaches are something to watch for in someone who has had a stroke.  I am a little concerned, but Bruce assures me that he is okay.  I hope so. I created a stove top meat smoker today when I needed a break from studying the Gospel of Mark. It was kind of fun and my bacon wrapped chicken breasts were delicious.  Sometimes I have to do something creative when the words begin to run together on the page. 

Lord, Thank you for flooding my heart with the light of your love and for meeting the needs of my family.  I am in awe of Your Presence in our lives and sing songs of gladness for your grace.  Thank you for Your guidance, affirming the decisions made, blessing the opportunity for which You cleared the way, Your great faithfulness and unfailing love. I love you Lord. In Jesus name, Amen

I am about to return to the teaching field. I will begin next week with planning and maybe some meeting with small groups. One of the most important things I will do is help the children to begin to trust me to help them to become better readers. Not just to be able to read the words fluently, but understand and remember what they have read. I experience these same needs each time I open one of my textbooks from my classes at seminary. 

The children are going to need to read and understand what they read just like I need to understand what I am reading. It is my hope if the children will trust me and I teach my best that they will learn and become not just better readers, but better students. So it seems that the children and I will be walking similar paths.  We both need to trust someone that will guide us along our paths. I hope I will enable the children to trust me and I will trust God in God’s infinite wisdom to successfully complete this degree in 5 class periods, 3 papers and 1 exam. Take joy in this extraordinary journey of faith. Wear comfortable shoes and get some sleep. Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene

Prayer of joy!  Our dear friend David Russell went home from the hospital after 50 days inpatient. We are so very grateful to a loving and healing God.  Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Peace, gc

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Greetings from Austin Street

Happy Thursday!  All is well at 811. Bruce is very tired tonight after a busy day at rehab.  When he gets tired he favors his right side and his understandable language declines at bit. The good news is that he recognizes this and knows that he must rest. Given the scripture I read last night I am trying very hard to be aware of the depth of frustration and loss Bruce is feeling even when he laughs it off. I am not sure if this is for me or for him. I am looking for ways to better understand him and bring him comfort. Pray that I can do this.

Lord, thank you for the gift of now. Lead me to serve you now in ways that you direct. Help me to remember the promises You have made, the comfort You and others have given and lead me to bring comfort others. In Jesus name, Amen.

“You know how to interpret the appearance of earth and sky, but why do you not know how to interpret the present time.”

Luke 12: 56

You know the past and the future are places we get to visit, but for the most part we have to live in the present moment. This moment is the gift God puts in front of each of us. Today, I filled out and turned in paperwork to FWISD to return to the classroom as a tutor. It is the plan to work 20 hours per week in at least one and possibly two schools. 20 hours will not reduce my retirement income. If all proper channels are working then I may be back at work next week. I will be surrounded by wonderful friends who are counting on me to do my job well for their students and for them. This is not the way I thought my life after seminary was going to play out. But here is the deal, I am grateful, and excitedly expectant about this opportunity. At this moment this new adventure is filled with potential to help children who need help in reading and their teachers who need extra help with their students. This is a wonderful opportunity to begin to practice in an interesting sort of way the art of comfort to those in need. The children need to read better and that will help them be more confident and able to better learn in all of their classes.  It will bring comfort even through the struggle. I am going to give my best efforts to now; this moment. God gave me the gift of teaching and is teaching me the art of bringing comfort to others perhaps not in the way I had planned. It is God’s gift and it is my time. I am receiving this gift of time as a blessing and a time to learn. The most powerful gift we can receive is the gift of now.  God is good and love wins. Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes and get some sleep. Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene

“This is the day that the LORD has made. Let us rejoice and be glad today!”

Psalm 118: 24

Greetings from Austin Street

Happy Thursday!  All is well at 811. Bruce is very tired tonight after a busy day at rehab.  When he gets tired he favors his right side and his understandable language declines at bit. The good news is that he recognizes this and knows that he must rest. Given the scripture I read last night I am trying very hard to be aware of the depth of frustration and loss Bruce is feeling even when he laughs it off. I am not sure if this is for me or for him. I am looking for ways to better understand him and bring him comfort. Pray that I can do this.

Lord, thank you for the gift of now. Lead me to serve you now in ways that you direct. Help me to remember the promises You have made, the comfort You and others have given and lead me to bring comfort others. In Jesus name, Amen.

“You know how to interpret the appearance of earth and sky, but why do you not know how to interpret the present time.”

Luke 12: 56

You know the past and the future are places we get to visit, but for the most part we have to live in the present moment. This moment is the gift God puts in front of each of us. Today, I filled out and turned in paperwork to FWISD to return to the classroom as a tutor. It is the plan to work 20 hours per week in at least one and possibly two schools. 20 hours will not reduce my retirement income. If all proper channels are working then I may be back at work next week. I will be surrounded by wonderful friends who are counting on me to do my job well for their students and for them. This is not the way I thought my life after seminary was going to play out. But here is the deal, I am grateful, and excitedly expectant about this opportunity. At this moment this new adventure is filled with potential to help children who need help in reading and their teachers who need extra help with their students. This is a wonderful opportunity to begin to practice in an interesting sort of way the art of comfort to those in need. The children need to read better and that will help them be more confident and able to better learn in all of their classes.  It will bring comfort even through the struggle. I am going to give my best efforts to now; this moment. God gave me the gift of teaching and is teaching me the art of bringing comfort to others perhaps not in the way I had planned. It is God’s gift and it is my time. I am receiving this gift of time as a blessing and a time to learn. The most powerful gift we can receive is the gift of now.  God is good and love wins. Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes and get some sleep. Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene

“This is the day that the LORD has made. Let us rejoice and be glad today!”

Psalm 118: 24

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Greetings from Austin Street

Happy Wednesday! All is well here at 811. We live in a house built in 1927. We do not have heat or a/c built in. We have space heaters and window unit air conditioners.  Last night Bruce lit the heater in the master bathroom and today the heater in the living room. I put my granny’s quilt handcrafted in the 1920’s under the bedspread and the TCU blanket on the end of the bed just in case! I love this time of year.

I went for my conducting audition this evening. I think the audition went well, but I will not know anything for a while. The last I heard there were ten applicants. I am not sure if all will be offered conducting auditions outside of the interview, but I can only hope for the best. I had a great time during the audition and I think the choir did too. We will see. God is good and love wins!

Lord, tonight I pray to trust You each day. My time is in your hands and I live in the presence of Your unfailing love and in my heart. In Jesus name, Amen.
Today is three months since Bruce’s surgery. I remember shock and thinking that this is not happening . And then I began to think what would I do if I lost him and what would I do if he survives? The answer to both of those questions is in the decisions I would need to make. I look to God for help when I have to make hard decisions. God has planted His Presence and His unfailing love (which are one in the same) within me making God closer to me than any one person on this earth. I think that is why my soul understands God’s will before my mind can understand.  In my morning devotion this morning I read something that has helped me define the calling to serve God in pastoral care. “When you need comfort, I love to enfold you in My arms. I enable you not only to feel comforted but also to be a channel through whom I comfort others.”  This is a gift from God. So no matter what losses I experience or where this life takes me, this gift from God is ever present and can never be taken away. I am called to live through this gift in my daily living. I am trusting daily in God and will not despair as I wait for God to use me with the assurance the gift given by God will be used for His glory. Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes, throw an extra blanket on the bed tonight and get some sleep. Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene

“I pray to you, LORD. So when the time is right answer me and help me with Your wonderful love.”

Psalm 61: 13



Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Greetings from Austin Street

Happy Monday! All is well at 811. We are a little tired as we picked Geni up from the airport at 11: 30 last night and did not get home until after midnight which made bedtime very late.  Lots of yawns tonight even during NCIS. But I worked on revising and making corrections on my paper.  Giving thanks that Geni arrived home safely from California.

Lord, thank you for hearing my prayers whether I speak out loud or I am quiet. And Lord, teach me to be still before you and wait for your leading before I move forward. When I am quiet is when I hear you whispering in my heart. I love you Lord and trust your heart.  In Jesus name, Amen.

“Great is His faithful love to us.

Psalm 117: 2

Sometimes we all have problems and situations that stretch our faith to the point we think it is going to break. But something I have learned about faith since Bruce had his stroke. I have shared this before, but it still comes back to me. Faith is what we pray when we need deliverance, but trust is what we live on day by day. I also think faith is what allows us to look past the current situation or problem and trust moves us forward not in leaps always, but in steps guided by the Holy Spirit.  Now what we see on the other side of the circumstance may not be what God intends.  But what God intends will be right.

Prior to July 16, MY plan was to do chaplaincy work part time during the summer and through the fall semester and hope to go full time in January after graduation.  I am sure God looked down and said,,” O my, she’s planning again!.”  Make no mistake, God did not cause Bruce to have a stroke and generally I do not think a plan for chaplaincy has changed, but it just may be on hold for a while. Maybe God is preparing me and waiting until I am ordained until I am placed in a chaplaincy/pastoral care role.  I don’t know. I do not have any current prospects for chaplaincy. But I have some job opportunities that will bring income into our home if I am hired. What I pray for is for God to keep me in the center of His will. I am trusting God to lead my life and the current circumstances from His loving perspective and will use me as a servant minister in whatever ministry I land. God is good and love wins! Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes and get some sleep. Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene

Monday, October 14, 2013

Greetings from Austin Street

Happy Monday! This day on the calendar will always be difficult. As I remember the moments of this day five years ago I remember thinking about the day Casey was born. I remember the instant labor began I looked at the clock and thought today my baby will be born. On this day five years ago I remember similar thoughts but in the opposite direction. Casey’s life began to slip away and I remember thinking that sometime today my child will die. Those are thoughts no mother should ever have to think. Pastor Joel told me, “Gaylene, you now belong to a club that should not gain any more members.” He was right. I remember thinking how blessed I was to have been there when that precious child took his first breaths and to be just as blessed to be present and holding his hand when he took his last. But Casey was just where he wanted to be; in the middle of his family. Once when he was little and lost a tooth he came running into our room in the middle of the night yelling, “Mama, Mama I lost my tooth. (and without taking a breath said) Can I get in the middle?” The place Casey loved the most was in the midst of his family. God gave us the gift of being able to spend every day of the last year of Casey’s life with him.  Casey was not restored to wellness, but he was most certainly healed.  God is good and love, God’s perfect love wins.

Lord, it is not always easy to praise you when the tears of loss flow, but You are able to take our pain and turn it into a place to praise you. You understand the depth of grief and pain over the losses your earthly children experience because You lost Your Son too.  I can never be thankful for the loss of my son. But I am thankful for his life, the daily love and joy he brought to me and the life of Christ that was and is now within him forever. In Jesus name, Amen.

“And He said, ‘My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

Exodus 33: 14

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Greetings from Austin Street

Blessed Sunday to you all!  All is well at 811. It has been a wonderful day with excellent worship at Rush Creek Christian, lunch with Travis (Sarah was under the weather and was unable to join us), grocery shopping and the Cowboys won!  Also, something that has lightened my spirits is that I passed my other paper. The professor wrote comments that I will certainly be able to use in my next writing for him. It has been a wonderful day. God is good and love wins!

“How can I repay the LORD all the good He has done for me?”

Psalm 116: 12

Lord, I am your servant. I pray you find me faithful and will find a way to use me in your service. I offer up the sacrifice of thanksgiving and pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

There are times when God requires us to be obedient even when the task is really tough.  Texas/OU weekend will always be difficult for me as it is the last weekend Casey was with us. I remember every moment of that day. That Saturday in a hospital room at Arlington Memorial more than 200 hundred people came through Casey’s room and the room was divided into orange and maroon. Casey was an OU fan. And People came just to watch the game with him. Not one nurse ever said we were too loud or there were too many people in the room.  The day before the charge given to me was to tell my son that there were no more miracles and that he was not going to be able to sustain life on this side of heaven. Casey already knew this because God had already spoken to him. As devastating as this was to me, it was the holiest moment I will ever experience. I was first to speak words of love to him as an infant and God allowed me to speak these last words.  I was able to tell him how he taught me to be a Mom and how I was going to miss him and how much I loved him.  For this moment in time I will ever be grateful to a loving God. But here was the gift. Casey told me that God told him it would not be long and then he said, “Mom, I am not afraid.”  After all of the bad news I was given to deliver to my son, my son spoke good news to me. God had spoken to him and Casey was going into the arms of God without fear.  Casey went into the arms of God five years ago tomorrow without fear.

We as believers will be given assignments leaving us wondering why we should continue trusting and serving and with tasks more difficult that we could ever imagine. But when we act in obedience, we become authentic and a living example of true praise and thanksgiving to God. May God help us to serve in love and thanksgiving and may we offer ourselves wholeheartedly no matter what we are called to do. Take joy in the journey my friends. Wear comfortable shoes and get some sleep. Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene