Thursday, October 17, 2013

Greetings from Austin Street

Happy Thursday!  All is well at 811. Bruce is very tired tonight after a busy day at rehab.  When he gets tired he favors his right side and his understandable language declines at bit. The good news is that he recognizes this and knows that he must rest. Given the scripture I read last night I am trying very hard to be aware of the depth of frustration and loss Bruce is feeling even when he laughs it off. I am not sure if this is for me or for him. I am looking for ways to better understand him and bring him comfort. Pray that I can do this.

Lord, thank you for the gift of now. Lead me to serve you now in ways that you direct. Help me to remember the promises You have made, the comfort You and others have given and lead me to bring comfort others. In Jesus name, Amen.

“You know how to interpret the appearance of earth and sky, but why do you not know how to interpret the present time.”

Luke 12: 56

You know the past and the future are places we get to visit, but for the most part we have to live in the present moment. This moment is the gift God puts in front of each of us. Today, I filled out and turned in paperwork to FWISD to return to the classroom as a tutor. It is the plan to work 20 hours per week in at least one and possibly two schools. 20 hours will not reduce my retirement income. If all proper channels are working then I may be back at work next week. I will be surrounded by wonderful friends who are counting on me to do my job well for their students and for them. This is not the way I thought my life after seminary was going to play out. But here is the deal, I am grateful, and excitedly expectant about this opportunity. At this moment this new adventure is filled with potential to help children who need help in reading and their teachers who need extra help with their students. This is a wonderful opportunity to begin to practice in an interesting sort of way the art of comfort to those in need. The children need to read better and that will help them be more confident and able to better learn in all of their classes.  It will bring comfort even through the struggle. I am going to give my best efforts to now; this moment. God gave me the gift of teaching and is teaching me the art of bringing comfort to others perhaps not in the way I had planned. It is God’s gift and it is my time. I am receiving this gift of time as a blessing and a time to learn. The most powerful gift we can receive is the gift of now.  God is good and love wins. Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes and get some sleep. Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene

“This is the day that the LORD has made. Let us rejoice and be glad today!”

Psalm 118: 24

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