Saturday, October 19, 2013

Greetings from Austin Street

Happy Saturday!  We had such a lovely day!  We ran errands and then went out to lunch. I do not remember the last time we went to lunch. If you are a FB person and saw Bruce’s picture you might have noticed his hat. Bruce had not used his Target gift Card from his birthday (He was in patient during his birthday)  and purchased for himself a hat. It looks so good on him and he loved being out and making a purchase.  However I think our busy day took its toll and he is really tired. We still had grocery shopping to do, and he took his IPad mini and sat at the tables outside the floral department at Kroger while I shopped. He is really tired. So I have encouraged him to get some rest so he has lots of energy for tomorrow. We are so excited that Bruce’s brother Dale from Memphis is coming for the day.  We have not seen him since Bruce was in the hospital following the stroke. Nothing major has been planned just lunch and a great visit.  God is so good and love wins!

Lord, thank You for being with me when I need you the most. Thank You for the direction You give and the way you fill my heart with quiet assurance. “With my whole heart I have sought thee:  O let me not wander from Your commandments.” (Psalm 119: 10)

It seems to be the week to study about making decisions and asking God for help and direction when decisions need to be made.  Most of the time, when we make decisions, we are not the only one our decisions effect. Sometimes the decisions we make are to solve problems. We really wish God would just ride in on a white horse and remove the problem so that we do not have to deal. And maybe for some folks that is what happens. As for me I am usually meant to learn a lesson. But here is the good news about God and problems. God removing our problems is not always what is best. When we collaborate with God with decisions that need to be made, opportunities that we never considered would not present themselves.  We do not have to deal with difficult choices alone and without help. God will show us the way to go and will help as we deal with issues, problems and decisions as we wade through facts and emotions.  When whatever decision(s) is/are that need to be made get made we just need to do our best. I think the real lesson we are to learn here is that solving the problem is not near as important as trusting God is in the midst of them.  I believe that God will lead us to do what is right for our lives and in His loving will we will do what is right for our lives and those we love. Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes and let us all get some sleep.  Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene

“Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.”

Psalm 119: 11



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