Thursday, May 3, 2012

Happy Wednesday! 

Today I began working on my exegesis on Psalm 150.  All of my sources have been downloaded and printed off.  I began with a dedication.  I dedicated this work in the memory of Casey and my Mom.  These two remarkable people led lives of faithful praise. Soon after Casey’s death, someone at Advent purchased an anthem in memory of Casey with the text from Psalm 150.  This psalm is also one I chose as the scripture passage for Mom’s memorial service.  The dedication was to Dr. Toni Craven, my teacher for this class who recently announced that she is retiring.  I shed tears before I began the writing of this paper because of the emotional investment I have in this scripture.  Addie is going to ask the praise team to stay for a few minutes after worship on Sunday so we can sing the anthem for a recording.  If this works out I will attach the recording to the email copy sent to Dr. Craven.  I ask you to pray for my focus as I write over the next few days.  It is due by 3:00 on Tuesday.  Thank you, friends.

Prayer:  “Lord, as I begin my day, I thank you that nothing will cross my path that is not already filtered by You. I praise You that You stand ready to guide , protect, and answer me when I call upon You.  Thank You for the strength that is mine for the asking.  As we walk together today, may I be mindful of Your grace that makes all of this possible.  In the wonderful name of Jesus I pray, Amen.”

Psalm 138: 3  “In the day when I cried out, You answered me, and made me bold with strength in my soul.”

According to my meditation tonight, King David wrote the above psalm while his enemies surrounded him.  Hezekiah added it to the hymnbook (the Book of Psalms) amidst all of his troubles and surrounded by his enemies. He may have even had to escape Jerusalem. 

We all have problems and difficult situations.  Even in the midst of our troubles we have an ever present God who hears our prayers and who is always on call to do for us what He has done for all who have come before us.  We are in the listing of Joseph, King David, Paul, Peter and John who have called upon God for help in time of need.  The God who answered their prayers is the same God who answers our prayers. 

The apostle Paul received an answer of “no” to one situation.  God’s response to Paul was the promise that His grace would be sufficient.  In the case of King David, God did not remove the problem, but strengthened David to better be able to deal with the issues he was facing. What a powerful and wise God we have who loves us so very much to give us what we need when we need it. 

I ask you to think through your day.  Did you invite God to be sovereign over your day?  If you did, check tonight and see if God equipped you with whatever you needed to go through the day and deal with the problems that came before you.  Did God answer your prayer today?  Were you given the grace that was sufficient? 

Take joy in the journey.  Wear comfortable shoes.  Count your blessings and SAY YOUR PRAYERS!  Love you, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am only moved by what I believe and I believe God.

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