Thursday, October 31, 2013

Greetings form Austin Street

Happy Halloween and Happy Thursday! All is well with Bruce and I, but 811 is having plumbing issues. We have a leaky faucet. It kept us awake last night and ran many gallons of water last night. So the plan for tonight is to turn off the water, turn it back on in the morning for showers and toilets and turn it off again until Bruce has the time to make the repair. Please pray that this is a relatively easy and inexpensive fix.  We had about two dozen trick or treaters and a special visit from our goddaughter.  Also, I sent my thesis statement to my professor last evening for approval and/or correction. I received it back today. Three out of four sentences were approved. YEA!!! I just have to work on one sentence and then I can begin work on the paper. Please pray about that too.  Thank you all. 

Lord, teach me your ways. Teach your wisdom to my spirit. Teach me your truth so that I can always follow you well and praise you. Please meet me in my daily trust in you as I look only to you for help and approval.  I love you Lord. In Jesus name, Amen.

When I was in high school I took high school geometry. I had a wonderful teacher who hung in there with me as I struggled all through the first semester of class learning to do a proof. I turned in every assignment, I took notes in class, I died every day and failed every test. But I continued to work. I just did not understand. And then one day she called on me in class to explain the proof and I did it. All of a sudden I understood. I had the aha! moment.  This is what happens to me with spiritual concepts and currently writing an exegesis paper. I do not fully understand what is being asked of me, but my professor is willing to hang with me until I do understand. As to the spiritual concepts of truth and wisdom; God is willing to hang with me giving me opportunity to practice pastoral skills, to hang with Bruce and help him to be restored and healed.  Here’s the most important concept I am learning, “The God who gave His life for me, Bruce and all of you and gave us the gift of salvation is able to instruct us in His ways and hang with us until we “get it!.” I am sure we are all in for many more aha! moments.

“Your promise has been tested through and through, and I your servant love it dearly…The way you tell me to live is always right; help me understand it so I can live to the fullest.”

Psalm 119: 140, 144

Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes and get some sleep. Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene


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