Monday, October 15, 2012

Happy Monday!

Today was one of discovery and joy!  I meet with my supervising pastor each week, checking in and seeing how things are going and receiving new insights into ministry and instructions for the week.  I spent the majority of the day working on a reflection paper on the story of the sinful woman who anointed Jesus.  I learned many things and that was great discovery.  Tonight, Geni and Penny (her dog), Travis and Bauer (his new chocolate lab puppy), Sarah (Travis’ girlfriend) and her grown black lab Sophie, our two bassets and me were all here for dinner.  It was so much fun to look out in the backyard and see all of these wonderful young people and their pets playing and talking and laughing.  It was a moment of great joy. 

PS We think we may have to change our local to The Chrystie Dog Park.

Prayer: “Lord, You have promised that if we ask for wisdom, it will be given. Grant me wisdom today regarding decisions that I will make. Grant me wisdom in discerning both the needs and motives of those I will encounter. Grant me the wisdom to recognize my own spiritual blind spots and the discernment to avoid unnecessary temptation. May my actions and attitudes please You today. In Jesus’ strong name I pray, Amen.”

“But if I am delayed, I write so that you may know how you ought to conduct yourself in the house of God which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.”
1 Timothy 3: 15

We are sons and daughters of God by God’s grace and mercy and not by anything we have said or done.  Being the children of a king implies certain privileges.  As children of God we are called to be servants. That implies responsibility. As we continue to grow as Christians we need to balance these roles of privilege and responsibility.

This week I am turning in four ministry evaluations: one self-evaluation, one from my supervisor, one from my Theological Reflection Group leader  and one from the Lay Training Committee. I want my life to matter and I want to do whatever it will take to make me more like Jesus.  My joys and my sorrows should not be wasted and the forgiveness I receive I pray will continue to form me into a more Christ-like image.  Paul’s message here I think is addressing more to conduct than to character. 

As I continue to grow in the image of Christ it is my prayer that my character will drive and inform my conduct while I am serving the church.  It is also my hope that I conduct myself during this time of internship and path of ordination as a reflection of how deeply the grace of God has penetrated and shaped my character.  I ask you to pray for me as a future pastor and to pray for your own pastors. 

Take joy in the journey.  Wear comfortable shoes and get some sleep.  Count your blessings and say your prayers. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Penny, Travis and Bauer and, of course, Jackson and Lamar.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am only moved by what I believe and I believe God.

PS. Please continue to pray for Tatum as she is almost halfway through the radiation treatments.  This is really hard and has a dramatic effect on this little one and her family.  She is full of courage and faith and still needs every prayer to sustain her amazing attitude.  

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