Saturday, November 12, 2011

Happy Saturday!

Prayer: “Father, my prayer today is that my devotion to You will overrule the emotion of my flesh and that I will love others the way You have loved me. Help me to understand that Your Scriptures take me down a path that loves walks. May Your Word give me the courage and confidence to love Your way if it calls for retracting or limiting my own plans. Lord, I have so much to learn from You. Teach me to be a lover. Amen.”

1 John 2:5 “But whomever keeps His Word, truly the love of God is perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him.”

I have come to discover since entering seminary that I must learn a new kind of discipline. This is discipline set out by the term syllabus telling me when things are due. This is discipline that I must read every day and make a concerted effort to learn not only what I am being taught in my class time, but what I read as well. But this discipline is also for the future when I begin my career after seminary. I will need to continue to read and study to get better at chaplaincy. Today, I went to the Global Market at Rush Creek Christian Church. I spent about 45 minutes walking around the market and chatting with some people full in the knowledge. Those 45 minutes was all the time I had because I have a paper due on Wednesday as well as a test and a writing due on Thursday. My time for study is becoming a discipline I must maintain. If I can learn this discipline now, then continuing this practice will keep me on track while I journey through seminary.

The love God has for us is a disciplined kind of love. God’s love always leads us in the direction in which we are supposed to go. The love God has for us is directly connected with the wisdom of His Word and does not play on our emotions. This love is based on our faith and trust that His will for us is what is best for us even when we think it is leading us away from our heart’s desire. God’s Word guides our love.

When we place ourselves under the wings of God’s perfect love then we do not demand our own way but seek God’s way. It is scripture that has the supreme authority over our decisions. This kind of practiced study of scripture and faith will cause us to love like God loves.

Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes. Count your blessings and say your prayers. Love you all so very much, Bruce, Gaylene Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am only moved by what I believe and I believe God.

Prayer: please pray for Bruce as he is at a National Kairos Conference where he is learning how to be a strong leader for the weekend in the spring. And please pray travel mercy for Geni and Travis as they are at a concert in Dallas tonight. Peace, gc

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