Sunday, April 11, 2010

Blessed Sunday to you all.

Due to an all night battle with a stomach bug I was unable to attend worship this morning. I am feeling much better and should be just fine and able to attend the jury service to which I have been called for tomorrow. My classroom is in good hands with a very fine student teacher and an excellent substitute by the name of Geni Chrystie.

While somewhat incapacitated today I finished the first hand-written draft of my paper for my class at TCU. I will begin typing tomorrow and hopefully have it completed by tomorrow evening (if jury duty isn’t very long) or at least by Tuesday. Due to a late arrival of my research materials my professor gave me a one week extension.

Just in case you did not read last night’s journal entry…Travis won the Strong Man Teen Division yesterday. Geni posted a brief video of his events on You Tube. If you wish to watch the video about 5 minutes in length) go to and type in fepic22 in the search box. It is a worthy watch if I do say so myself.

Luke 14:33 “So you cannot become my disciple without giving up everything you own.”

I began to meditate on this scripture earlier this evening and really had a prize case of writer’s block and could not think of a single thing to reflect upon this verse. Bruce, knowing my love for really good sermons collected Pastor Joel’s sermon for me and brought it home for me. I walked away from my computer and ate some dinner and watched a bit of TV hoping space would take care of the block. While I was watching TV I read the sermon. It was very helpful.

God has called each of into a life of service to Him by serving others. In the body of worship there are many who serve. There clergy, laity, choir, other musicians, altar guild, ushers, acolytes and others. All of these people serve in worship as a part of their calling to serve God. Today, they said “yes” to the mission to which they have been called.

What these people did not say was “yes, but…” and then make an excuse not to serve. When Jesus called the disciples they said “yes.” They said yes to whatever the Master told them to do. They seemed to accomplish their ministries and they seemed to trust Jesus without reservation. If you remember the story of the rich young ruler who was not allowed to serve as a disciple because he said, “Yes, but I have to go and bury my Mother and Father.” God calls each of us to serve Him without reservation. He calls us to a life of faith and then He provides us with the gift of faith.

Pastor Joel posed the question to the congregation today, “Are you experiencing challenges in your life today?” I know I am. “Can we take a lesson from those early disciples and respond to God’s calling in our lives not with “yes, but…” and instead “but, Yes, and what else can I do for the kingdom?!!!”

Take joy in the journey my friends. Wear comfortable shoes, count your blessings and say your prayers. Love you faithful friends, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

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