Happy Tuesday!
As I read my devotionals this morning at my desk at school both of them seem to say the same thing; to have a glad heart in the midst of adversity. Trust that God was in control and take joy in this knowledge and let that gladden your heart. I needed those words this morning because I had a bit of a sad start to the morning. It happens sometimes. The morning is when I miss Casey the most. I woke up with him each morning in Houston and then each morning when he was at home between hospital stays and then I would go to the hospital when he was receiving treatment or recovering each morning. Sometimes he would be asleep and I would just stand there and look at him and watch him breathe and see the look of peace on his face.
Casey stayed in close contact with the Father which gave him great peace. I am at peace about Casey. I know he is happy, whole and at complete peace with Jesus, but that does not keep me from missing him. So in my prayer time I ask God to tell him that his mama misses him and to say hello.
Romans 12:9 “Let your love be sincere…”
Today as I missed Casey and concerned myself with so many other things, I kept remembering the words of my devotional to “gladden my heart with the love of God.” Tonight’s meditation says to let love rejoice on the gray days. There are days of “wilderness” and “Mountains of Transfiguration” for we who believe. We are not immune to problems, sadness, grief, joy or happiness. But God does not want us to live from mountain to valley; He wants us to live in a state of prayer.
When we live in a spirit of prayer we remain in constant contact with the One who created us and knows and loves us best. If we stay in a spirit of prayer then we will find ourselves at peace whatever the task or situation placed before us. Even if the day is gray or we are on the mountaintop or we are just walking the path, the love of God is always there for each of us. The joy of God’s love in our hearts which is directing our lives is the gladness we are meant to experience every day.
Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes, count your blessings and say your prayers. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.
I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.
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