Saturday, April 10, 2010

Happy Saturday!

Everybody sing…”He is the champion!” My friends, today we went to Mesquite to watch and cheer on Travis in the Ronnie Coleman Classic. It is a power lifting, arm wrestling, body building and strong man tournament. Travis participated in the Strong Man Competition. And…(drum roll please) Travis emerged the winner of the Strong Man competition in the teen category and has qualified for the National Competition to be held in November in Reno, Nevada! Travis earned 29 out of a possible 30 points throughout the day. We are so proud of Travis. As we progressed through the day we noticed that no matter who was competing, everyone encouraged and supported the one who was competing. It was the most sportsmanship driven event I have ever attended. Of course we wanted Travis to win, but over all the crowd yelled and cheered words of encouragement like “you can do it,“ “stick with it,” “great effort,” as well as others. I was completely impressed with the spirit of excellence which seemed to permeate each event.

If you would like to see Travis at the competition you can go to Facebook. Geni uploaded the videos she recorded today. They are great. It does not take long to watch, just a few minutes.

Isaiah 60:1 “Arise, shine, for Thy light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon them.”

Today as we progressed through the day with Travis, I kept a running conversation and updates with family and friends of the outcomes of Travis’ standings. I could not wait to grab my phone and share with these special people.

I know we usually have this scripture at Christmas, but let us look at it through the eyes of one who has just seen the Savior crucified and laid in a tomb presumed dead. Mary Madeleine and the other Mary are at the tomb and they are weeping from heartache, disbelief, overwhelming sadness and loss. Then they see someone they presume to be the gardener who asks them “Why are you looking for the living among the dead?”

I feel pretty sure that the Marys felt dead inside. I wish I did not understand that feeling, but I do. What the Marys did not realize is that their Lord was speaking to them and had conquered the grave by rising from the dead. He then charged them with the task of telling others the He is Risen! At that moment Mary and Mary had experienced the risen Lord and nothing, not their being women, or distance, or anything was to keep them from the sharing the news that the risen Christ was alive and living among them! These women would not let anyone or anything hinder the task the Lord had given them.

Are we as ecstatically excited about our encounters with God? Do we text our family and friends and tell them of what God has done for us? Can we stand at the empty tomb in our grief and sorrow, sin and shame, and let Jesus tell us “I Am Risen! I Am Risen indeed! Alleluia!” and then obediently with great excitement go and tell others “I have seen the Lord and He is living among us.” Just some thoughts for the journey…

Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes, count your blessings and say your prayers. Love you all, a very proud, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

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