Thursday, April 8, 2010

Happy Thursday!

1 Corinthians 12:6 “God works through different people in different ways, but it is the same God who achieves His purpose through them all.”

I believe God works through each believer because we have opened the door to our hearts and allowed the love of God to dwell within. God, in His infinite wisdom, has created each of us differently. God has a purpose for each of us and He has shaped each of us for His service. There are as many ways for us to serve Him as there are believers. Each of us has a unique ministry. I don’t mean that each of us is meant to go to seminary and get a degree or serve as a pastor. I simply mean that God will use our gifts and talents in His service.

There is a group each year from Advent that builds houses in Mexico as their service. These people by day are teachers, computer people and a variety of other professions who take their vacation time to go and serve others because of their love for God and His desire for us to serve Him by serving others. Others serve on prayer teams. They receive the prayer concerns each Sunday and devote prayer time to those who have requested prayer.

There are those who clean up the communion ware after Eucharist each Sunday. There are those who quietly go about doing services for others and never ask for any recognition whether it is to clean a friend’s house when the home owners are unable due to illness, age or disability or help with someone’s children.

If you don’t think God can and will use you, you need to remember why you were created. God created each of us differently so that we can serve Him by serving someone else. Each of us has gone through different experiences in our lives. God can use each of us and the roads we have walked and the situations we have been through to help someone else.

I have a good friend at school that is going through a pretty hard time at home. She came to me to talk and pray, but I knew the best I could do for her was to listen and pray because I had never experienced her burden. So, I told her to talk to another of our faculty who was going through the same thing. They found time to visit and one was called to minister to the other. I can listen all day and pray, but in this situation someone else was the better servant.

I think for each of us the hardest thing for us to sacrifice is time. We are all so busy with work and the busyness of each day that we don’t always take the time to listen to God and seek His purpose for our lives. So maybe we should just slow down a bit and earnestly listen for God’s voice whether in the form of scripture, prayer or the calling of a friend then obediently follow the path of servant hood to which we have all be called.

Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes, count your blessings and say your prayers. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

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