Saturday, January 17, 2009

Happy Saturday! Today the Fathers and Sons celebrated Travis’ birthday with the paint ball party. All of the reports were that a great time was had by all. The strategy planning that went on at lunch was hilarious. Geni and I waved at them as they left the Chicken Express, then we went the opposite direction!!

Ephesians 2:19 says, “Now therefore, you are…fellow citizens with the saints.” Today I watched 9 young men and their dads. I have known these young men since they were 12-13 years old. In relationship to Travis, they have all played football or been in choir together. These young men are as close as brothers without being blood related. Today they played and were just boys. And now they are all preparing to leave the security of home and high school and separate from one another to the colleges of their choice. The bonds they have formed over the last six years will bind them together as friends for life.

The blood of Jesus is our binding tie. We all have friends that are as close as family. Our friends, Carme and Dave Russell, have lived around the world and yet our friendship has remained intact. We share many common bonds and now we share the bond of the loss of a child. They lost their precious Catherine when she and Geni were two years old. And we lost Casey at 24. Now that they are back in Texas we can continue our friendship and care for each other since we are physically a lot closer to each other.

The Russells and Chrysties are not earthly family related, but we are related by blood. We are related by the blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus is the strongest bond of love any people can carry. It is that sacred, precious bond that allows for distance in miles, but not in spirit. It is that bond that forms us into brothers and sisters in Christ. It is the blood of Christ that creates families out of love, by birth, by choice or need. It is the blood of Christ that has created a family for our friend Deb Koplen. And it is the blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that grants us our admittance into heaven to live with God as our eternal Father.

We are never alone because our family of God is always with us. Visit your family often and take joy in the journey. Love you all and see you in worship!

Love, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

1 comment:

Al Rearick said...

Hey Gaylene, have Bruce tell you how I got him with my "paint bald" response! I'm glad the party was a blast and that everyone is still intact!

Thanks again for a beautiful post. Very bittersweet.
