Monday, January 12, 2009

Happy Monday!

Deb Koplen update: Deb is at home and almost all problems have been worked out in terms of home health care, visiting nurses and medications. I will probably go over hand teach her in house care giver how to flush her PICC lines in between the times the nurses visit. Miss Chips is so glad to have Deb at home again. I have been told she hops up and down on the bed frequently and goes in and out her doggie door and is glad that her world has been righted with Deb at home now.

Matthew 9: 12-13 says, “It is not the healthy people who need a doctor, but the sick. I did not come to invite the good people, but the sinners.” Jesus was having dinner with Matthew. Scripture tells us that tax collectors and sinners were all sitting down to dinner together with the followers of Jesus. One of the Pharisees saw this and asked one of the followers why his teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners. Jesus responded with, “I did not come for the good people, but for the sinners.”

As I read this passage I realized that Jesus sat down with tax collectors and sinners along with His followers. Then later Jesus called Matthew into the group of disciples. The disciples were all sinners. (duh!) I never think of this group of men who were so blessed to walk with Jesus as sinners. Jesus was showing the disciples that He came for those who were in need of forgiveness, redemption and healing. This was the heart of Jesus’ ministry on earth. Jesus sat at the table and dined with sinners. He was without sin and yet He loved them all so much that He placed His feet under their table and shared a meal. I don’t know the dinner conversation. I don’t know if Jesus spoke about salvation and the kingdom of God, the price of grain or the basketball game at the Hebrew school, but He sat at dinner with a group of unlikely people with which a King to dine.

Jesus sat at the table with His disciples before His crucifixion telling that they must carry on the ministry of inviting the poor, needy, outcast and sinners to dine at the table of grace. Jesus calls us to carry on the ministry of inviting those who are outcast to the table to dine with the King of love and be filled with His love, grace and forgiveness. Set the table of your heart with an extra place and invite someone to dine with you and share Christ. With Christ there is always enough for He gave His all.

Take joy in the journey. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

1 comment:

Al Rearick said...

I'm tired, it's late, and I may expand on this on my own blog, but don't you just love the attitude of the Pharisees? Like they get to define who are the outcast and how they are to be treated. And yet that still goes on today.

Thanks again for the reminder.
