Sunday, January 11, 2009

Happy Sunday!! My apologies for not writing last evening. We went to Emmaus Candlelight worship in Glen Rose and got in very late. Those services are such awesome worship experiences. We walked in and greeted friends, found a place to sit and began to sing. As I was singing wonderful praise and worship music my thoughts went to Casey. I began to wonder and I asked Bruce, “Do you suppose Casey does this all the time? Do you suppose Casey sits at the feet of the Father and sings His praises?” Emmaus Candlelight Worship is like a brief glimpse of what I envision heaven to be like. You enter and your friends and family are there to greet you in the perfect love of God. And voices that sounded quite wonderful here on this side of heaven sound heavenly now. Casey had such a wonderful voice and sang all of the time. Singing was a place of comfort, peace, praise, laughter and joy for him. If you have not attended a Walk to Emmaus or Via de Cristo event you have missed out on a wonderful weekend of worship, praise, and spiritual renewal. I highly recommend it!!

Deb Koplen update: Deb went home on Saturday morning. There are still some logistics to be worked out with the home health service, but by tomorrow all should be in place. All of her equipment is there, but not all of her medicine orders and PICC line supplies were written for so tomorrow the last details should be worked out. Please continue your prayers for Deb.

Carme update: she visits the plastic surgeon this Wednesday. The plastic surgeon will communicate with the breast surgeon and they will coordinate the date for surgery. She is thinking the surgery will be in a couple of weeks. Bruce and I are planning to go down during that time to be with she and Dave. She is anticipating a mastectomy and reconstruction. They will begin reconstruction after the breast is removed in the same surgical setting. To quote Carme: “I just want this tissue out of me!!” I am with her. Please continue prayers for her and Dave.

One last piece of news: our niece, Asenath, my brother’s daughter, and one of the twins, has announced her engagement. We are so excited. Plans are for a wedding in 2010 after she graduates from Texas Tech. We are so excited for her. Congratulations Asenath and Cody!

Mark 1: 4-9—The Baptism of Jesus. In the Lutheran Church today is the day we remember and celebrate the Baptism of Jesus. As usual, Pastor Joel preached a wonderful sermon on “water.” He spoke of water being saving, dangerous and changing. One can live 46 weeks without eating (I need to go a while without eating!), but you can only go 3 days without drinking. Then Pastor spoke of the water that changes. Jesus changed as soon as He came up out of the water. He was no longer the boy from down the road, son of Mary and Joseph, carpenter in His father Joseph’s shop or private citizen. Now, he is Jesus, Savior of the world, forgiver of sins. He is Jesus, baptized by John and now setting out on the path of obedience to His heavenly Father to bring the world back unto God the Father.

Jesus did not go into a robing room, dry off, change into a dry, clean tunic or take a towel to His hair. The scripture says that He immediately came up out of the water and the Spirit drove Him out into the wilderness where His Heavenly Father, God, Himself prepared Jesus for His mission. Jesus believed in baptism so much and thought it so important that He did it Himself. He did not have sins for which to be forgiven, but His life had to change from private citizen to public figure. God even told His Son how proud of Him He was with the clouds opening up and His voice saying, “You are My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.” God was present at the baptism of His son, Jesus. Because God was present at this event in the life of Jesus, it became sacramental.

How are we changed by our baptisms? Are we acting on behalf of our brother, Jesus, when we are interacting with His people? What are we doing to further the Kingdom of God and are we walking in obedience to God’s call in our lives? Have we changed from private citizen to citizen of the Kingdom of God by our baptism? Are we recognizable as a child of God because the cleansing waters of baptism have washed away our sins?

I just throw out these questions for self-examination (especially me!). Tonight or whenever you pick up your Bible, go back and read this wonderful story and remember your baptism. If you were baptized as an infant, you probably don’t remember your baptism, so meditate and remember when the Holy Spirit revealed the life of Jesus and God’s calling on your life to you. Take up the journey and be joyful when you walk for Jesus walks by your side and carries you when you are unable to walk yourself.

Take joy in the journey. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

1 comment:

Al Rearick said...

Do you suppose Casey does this all the time? Do you suppose Casey sits at the feet of the Father and sings His praises?

I hope so. That'd be a heck of a voice to add to that chorus!

Playing catch-up as you can tell, but please pass along my congratulations to Geni! That is awesome!

I love baptisms. I love watching babies get baptized, I love watching kids, adults, anyone... I was honored to be able to be at the Christmas Day baptism for one of Nathan's friends and his little sister a couple of years ago.

I love it when babies howl all the way through their baptism, as it brings back memories of Nathan's baptism (during which then-Pastor Kanouse remarked "Kid's got quite a voice; wonder who he got THAT from?").

And I've always regretted that I missed Amanda's baptism because I hadn't met her or her mother yet. (For that matter, I always wish I could've been there when Amanda was born and been there when she was a baby.)

I always feel sorry for people who look at the bulletin and groan when they see a baptism. Don't they realize what a special thing is happening that day? Shouldn't we be honored to be included on that special day?

Thanks again for the inspirational reminder, Gaylene. Your solo at worship Sunday was..... wow, you still remind me of Ella!
