Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Happy Tuesday! Today was pajama day at school. I wore my TCU jammies and TCU crocs. I stayed warm and comfy all day. It is nice to dress down once in a while.

Deb Koplen update: she is still experiencing some nausea and so she has not eaten in a few days. I suggested beef or chicken broth. The broth seems to stay down. Tomorrow she is going to try some simple mashed potatoes. Her energy level is way down; and needs to gain some strength. Pray for an increased appetite and decreased nausea. Other things are finally begin to settle down and get on track. Home Health issues are finally squared. They will come out daily for the next 126 days. Please continue to pray for Deb. Thank you.

Carme update: as far as I know she is still meeting with the plastic surgeon tomorrow. Please keep her in your prayers. I will keep you posted. Thank you.

Job 7:11 “I will speak in the anguish of my spirit.” Most of you know that I have my prayer time in the mornings going to school. I listen to a “drive-time devotion” and have prayer time on the drive to school. In my prayer time I always tell God what is on my heart. The times when I am alone are the times I miss Casey the most. This was one of those morning when I spoke to God in the “anguish of my spirit.” The scripture from Jeremiah that says, “I know the plans I have for you…” It caused me to wonder if God knew at Casey’s birth that he was going to have cancer. Did God prepare Casey in his spiritual journey throughout his life to face and handle this past year with the dignity, grace and courage? Are these the plans God meant for Casey in the Jeremiah scripture? Did God place in Casey His gifts of determination, courage, strength, sweetness and humor that enabled him to endure without complaint all that cancer had to dish out? I had never considered this scripture in this light before. And now two of our friends are facing similar battles with this disease. My best friend Carme told me the other day that her prayer was that she hoped she would handle this battle with the dignity and grace with which Casey did. I cried all the way to school.

And then it dawned on me: God prepares us, through our faith in Jesus, for whatever battles we must face and endure. God wants us to come to Him honestly in prayer. He does not mind our anger. He welcomes our hurts. He invites our questions.
Right now I pray for Carme and Deb many times throughout the day. And I pray for the healing of my broken heart because I don’t know how a broken heart becomes healed. Sometimes I miss Casey so much it almost takes my skin off. Casey passed away on a Tuesday and tomorrow will be three months. How did the time go so fast? Then I remembered the hours of labor thinking that I could not do this and the instant Casey was born and how the pain of labor went away instantly. I remember thinking at the moment of Casey’s death how similar the feelings were. The year of pain he went through and at his last breath the pain was instantly over for him. I remember thinking how fast the time had gone not only in the last year, but the last 24. God listened to my anguish and let me talk until I figured something out.

God’s plans for us are that whatever life throws at us, He has already walked the road ahead and will lead us or push us or if need be carry us until He has accomplished the purpose in us that He has planned. God places the tools of Himself in us so that whatever happens; bumps, pot holes, mountains or whatever we can be confident that God is with us. Thanks for letting me unload tonight.

Take joy in the journey. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

1 comment:

Al Rearick said...

You voiced the very concerns I had during Casey's final days about my own family: are any of us prepared to deal with such a situation should it arise? I honestly don't know and pray to God that I never have to find out.

In my nearly 39 years, I have been extremely blessed in that I have not lost any close relative. Probably the closest was my Gramma, but she was 85 when she died, so it's not like her life was cut short.

Which brings me to yet another reason why I'm so thankful for your daily documentary: if it ever happens to me, I have an inspirational guidebook containing instructions on how to do it gracefully.
