Monday, January 19, 2009

Happy Monday! This picture was the scene on Saturday when the "boys" went out to play paintball. They are still talking about it. They had such a great time.

Today was a busy day. We have a brand new roof. It is so pretty. So I spent most of yesterday (while it was relatively quiet) getting things done that I needed to get one at the house so I could spend today away from the house and the hammering. Geni went back to school today and begins classes tomorrow.

Deb Koplen update: The cancer has spread very rapidly and she has multiple metastases throughout her cervical spine. She was experiencing weakness in her right side. The MRI did not show evidence of a stroke only rapid growth of the cancer. The hospice house is only a short term facility. Deb hopes to go back to her house for a few days to get her affairs in order before entering her nursing home for the remainder of her life. Each day at the hospice house the doctor will reassess and determine when she is ready for discharge. The primary purpose for her stay at the hospice house is for pain management and stabilization. Please continue to pray for her as she prepares for the upcoming changes in her life.

I spent most of the morning with our friend Deb Koplen at AMH. She left this afternoon for a hospice house in Fort Worth. I signed her DNR and signed all of the papers for admission into the hospice house. She was scared and upset as she left, but I heard later today that it a very nice place and the people have a sense of humor. Both are plusses for her. The negative is that it is far away for her friends to visit, but it is close to my school so I can pop over for a few minutes after school.

Carme Russell update: phone call from Carme today. Scans of her bones, liver and other organs are showing no signs of the cancer spreading. Praise God!! She should know tomorrow about a surgery date. She is holding a “passionately pink” party the day of her surgery, an all day event. Everyone is to wear pink (even the guys-I bought Bruce his shirt today)) and we are all going to contribute to the Susan G. Komen foundation while Carme is in surgery. Please continue to pray for Carme as she prepares for surgery and begins the healing process.

Mark 4:39-40 says, ‘He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. He said to His disciples, “What are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?”’ I know I have written about this passage numerous times but it still holds a lot of meaning for me and the lens from which I view this passage changes from time to time as I read and meditate on the Word. I am a school teacher. I teach young children. If I step out of the room even for a moment the children begin to talk and some get out of their seats and they lose focus on their lessons and assignments. When I walk back into the room and the children can see me then without me saying anything they get quiet and order is restored.

It is sort of like that with our relationship with Jesus. When we stop reading His Word, when we stop praying daily, when we stop attending worship, fellowship and service, we lose sight of our Savior. Remember, He has never gone anywhere, we just lose sight of Him. When the disciples were in the boat and the storm came they panicked and then they got mad at Jesus for not being up there and panicking with them. When Jesus came up on deck and spoke to the storm, the storm stopped. The disciples were awed and amazed at the authority with which the wind and waves obeyed Jesus. In his meditation today, Max Lucado said, “The very storm that panicked the disciples made Him drowsy. What put fear into the eyes of the disciples put Him to sleep. For the disciples the boat was a tomb and a cradle to Jesus. How could He sleep through the storm? Simple—He was in charge of it.”

When a storm comes into our lives, let Jesus be in charge of the storm. Seek out His Word and go to Him in prayer. He will meet you and keep you in the eye of the storm and give you peace.

Take joy in the journey. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

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