Friday, January 23, 2009

Update on our friend, Deb Koplen.

Greetings from this side of heaven.

The strife is over. The battle won. Alleluia!!

She went to be with her Master this morning at a few minutes to 8am after a short, hard battle with her cancer. In the end, it had gone too far too fast for her to be able to battle it effectively, even with today's drugs. Arrangements are pending. We will keep you updated when the details are sorted out. Thank you for your prayers. Praise God for his love and mercy. Bruce

1 comment:

Al Rearick said...

RIP Deb. Thank God it was quick. I'm sorry I never came by to say "thank you" for giving me communion at Casey's service.

Thank you for the updates, Gaylene. Thank you for your inspirational example of leading a graceful life. Not just here, but just about everywhere I see y'all. You always give the impression (if that's the right word) that you are where God wants you to be and you are thankful for that. That is a life lived grace-fully, one I wish I could emulate.

Tonight's word verification for entering comments is "maybe." How appropriate.

Thank you, Bruce and Gaylene, for letting your light shine before others, that we may see your good words and give glory to our Father in Heaven.

