Friday, June 27, 2014

Greetings from Austin Street
TGIF Today God is First! All is well here at 811. 30 treatments down and 4 to go! 

Dear God, I am most grateful dear God for your listening heart of love, forgiveness and renewal. I am not always sure how to give you my burdens, but I know I always have constant access to you because you mean so much to me. You are so kind to listen to each word I have to say and I am so blessed to know that you listen. Thank you for speaking to me when I am quiet enough and focus on you in the silence so that I can hear your very word. And thank you for bringing me through this cancer journey and the healing that is to come.  I love you Lord. In Jesus name, amen.

Since we decided to go to Alaska I have been thinking about what to pack and have purchased travel sized items that have been placed in a travel case. I have made a few clothing purchases that are still in the store bags waiting to be packed and the floor at the end of our bed has several pieces of luggage waiting to be filled. I have always carried around a large purse. I do not however want to carry around a purse on our excursions. So I purchased a small wallet just large enough for the ship ID card, come cash and a credit card.  I only want to carry around what can go in my jacket pocket. I decided I do not want to be burdened with a heavy bag while watching whales, eating breakfast at the Red Onion Saloon and touring other places.  If you have ever carried a large bag for several hours the law is that the longer you carry baggage, the heavier it gets.

Loads of physical weight and emotional responsibilities are baggage that get heavier the longer we carry them and the more fatigued we become.  Perhaps we have gotten so used to the burdens we carry that we believe we can handle them alone. But the truth is the longer we carry our problems the more draining they become.  When we carry so many burdens or even one or two really big ones it is difficult to face new challenges and the joy in our lives begins to lose its brilliance.

But here is the thing…we do not have to be self-sufficient because God will carry our burdens for us through faith in Jesus. God will become the unfailing strength we need when we are weakened and drained by the baggage we carry around. The tough part for each of us is to trust all of these things over to God and believe that His arms and ears are outstretched to us waiting to receive whatever we have to give. Whenever we meet God we are in a protected holy place and God will accept the baggage we leave at his feet and free us to meet new challenges with renewed joy. 

“Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears our burden.
Psalm 68: 19

Take joy in the journey and leave your baggage at the feet of Jesus.  Wear comfortable shoes, get some sleep and think pink!  Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene

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