Thursday, June 26, 2014

Greetings from Austin Street
Happy Thursday!  All is well here at 811. 29 treatments down and 5 treatments to go. This time next week treatments will be over and healing from radiation can begin. Daily radiation takes  toll on the radiated skin area while it is killing any remaining cancer cells. Today the radiation doc looked at the radiation effects and determined that I needed prescription antibiotic burn cream.  I am hoping it works quickly.  Thank you all for your continued sustaining prayers.  God is good and love wins!!

Dear God, help me shut out anything that would take your place in my mind and heart.  Thank you for your love and for inviting me to be a part of your family. I praise you for being my provider, defender, sustainer and Lord.  Lord, as I continue to know you more help me to embrace others who are in need of your love, grace, peaceful spirit, rest and healing. May I Lord represent you and be bold to recognize the needs of others.  I love you Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Going to the Cancer Center each day at the same time I have gotten to know the people who receive treatment just before me and those who are to receive treatment just after me.  Today following treatment was my weekly visit with the doc. On the way from radiation I made a stop at the ladies room and the woman who has treatment following me was also in the ladies room.  She commented about how I am always smiling when she sees me. She had come to the restroom to cry.  She needed a quiet place to fall apart.

In Biblical times a Jewish home would have a place for private prayer and worship.  It was a place where a door could be closed to outside distractions and interruptions.  These rooms or spaces were where family members came to draw closer to God. Today the closest my friend could come was the Ladies Room at the Cancer Center.  Even though I interrupted her quiet time I seemed to have needed to be there. It was a God thing! I held her as she cried and  we shared a time of fellowship through the bond of disease and faith. And interestingly enough even though this was a public restroom the door was closed and we had no interruptions until she was ready to go and see the doc. 

My friends let us all find a place where we can draw near to God. While we can spend time with God anywhere, even in the Ladies Room at the Cancer Center, let us find a place to meet God on a daily basis and draw near to Him. May we pray, worship, listen, sing, cry and find a relationship that is rich in love, closeness and tender intimacy with God.

“When you pray; you should go  into your room and close the door and pray to your Father who cannot be seen. Your Father can see what is done in secret, and he will reward you.”
Matthew 6:6
“Call to me and I will answer you. I’ll tell you marvelous and wondrous things that you could never figure out on your own.”
Jeremiah 33: 3
Take joy in the journey and call out to God in the quiet of your room. Get some sleep and think pink! Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene 

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