Sunday, August 11, 2013

Greetings from Austin Street

Blessed Sunday to you all!  I picked Bruce up at his apartment for worship and an afternoon at home. Today, after worship Bruce was talking to a friend of ours who had just returned from a business trip to Japan and was unaware of Bruce’s stroke. Bruce told our friend, “I understand what you say, but my words ….” And then the words became nonsense. Later, Bruce was trying to tell me something he needed at the apartment and there were no understandable words. Bruce hears correct language in his head and then the nonsense words are spoken. He started to laugh because it was really silly. We started over and finally figured out he needed coffee filters. His attitude even through the frustration is so good.

 It was nice to do something “normal.” Worship seemed to tire Bruce out so while I prepared lunch he rested on the couch. I wish I had taken a video of Bruce and the dogs. They were so excited to see him. There was lots of excited yelping and barking as he scratched their bellies and rubbed their ears.  After lunch we watched a movie on the couch together.  It was a wonderful gift that we really enjoyed. We are both in hopes that we will get to have more of those times very soon. God is good and love wins.

If you are a reader of FB I posted a picture of the beautiful floor that two dear servants installed today.  We are so very grateful to all of those who have given their time and skills to make our home a bit safer for Bruce upon his return home. AETNA has approved 14 days inpatient. Wednesday is day 14.  I hope to know something by Tuesday as to whether Bruce will step down to outpatient status. We are both ready, but will follow the lead of the doctors and therapists in Bruce’s best interests. 

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”

Romans 12: 12

The stroke was kind of a fluke. He did not exhibit any symptoms of ill health, language lag or lack of energy prior to the occurrence. I would be less than honest and not very smart if I said that when Bruce recovers from this that I will not be concerned about a future occurrence. I remember being anxious when Geni and Travis went out after Casey died. I would think about what if something happened to them. I have had those same thoughts about Bruce. Because there was no forewarning of this stroke would I recognize any symptoms if they presented themselves. And then I remember what Bruce said when I was worried about Geni and Travis. Bruce said, “Darlin’, God is with Travis and Geni just as He was with Casey.”  We are both trying to enter each day with positive attitudes and the assurance that just as God is with Bruce now and God will be with Bruce in the days to come.  This retraining, rehabilitation and is going to take a long time.  So I am practicing being thankful for each improvement, new word, longer understandable language time and not dwell on the negative or what might happen in the future. I am affirming my trust in God and working on keeping my focus on God so that I connect with positive leading of the Holy Spirit.  My friends as you continue to pray for Bruce’s healing I ask you to pray for God’s strength in me so that I do not become discouraged, frustrated or lose patience in this journey. Pray that I can focus on my classes this semester and give my best efforts even though I have lost my editor at least for the time being.  I pray to embody the scripture verse in Romans; “to be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer.”  Bruce and I must make this journey together each of us being healed and learning all that God would have us learn as we walk the path prepared for us.

Take joy in the journey remembering that hope does not disappoint. Wear comfortable shoes, pray with a heart filled with gratitude, let us cast our cares upon the LORD and get some sleep. God is up all night anyway to there is no reason for all of us to be awake. Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene





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