Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Happy Monday! 

Religion and Violence has been put to bed for this semester. My final paper was submitted this morning. The books were moved from the active shelf to an inactive shelf and there is only one more paper to write.  But the best part of the day was when I was placed on the list for GRADUATION IN DECEMBER!!! YES!!!

Prayer:  Blessed Lord, giver of every good and perfect gift and traveling companion in this journey of faith. Thank you for wanting to spend time with Your children and have a relationship with them. I love you so much. Thank You for sending Jesus to be my Savior, for You being my Heavenly Father and for sending the Holy Spirit so that you remain as close to me as my very next breath. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.

“You have made known to me the path of life; you fill me with you in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”

Psalm 16:11

Our lives are a walk in faith and God is absolutely faithful. There have been times I have wondered why I am at Brite and not at some other seminary, and then I remember I have come too far to turn back now.  The challenge that is before me at this time is to not focus on my limitations and begin to look to the possibilities God has in store. This is one of those times when I am very excited and as Geni would say, “mildly terrified!” I have to believe that the way before me is an open road even though I sometimes think “What if the Regional Commission on Ministry does not see me fit for ordination?” and “What if I cannot get a job as a chaplain?”

Then I return to scripture and remember what Jesus told His disciples. “I am the way, the truth and the life.” Jesus had to endure suffering in order to open the path of life lived in forgiveness and grace for each of us and none of us will ever have to suffer for these things. So when I begin to be concerned about my future I remember to stop, take a breath and remember that God has not already made the way for me, but is with me now leading me down the road I am supposed to go.

Take joy in the journey and remember that hope does not disappoint. Wear comfortable shoes, give thanks with a grateful heart and get some sleep. Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am only moved by what I believe and I believe God.

PS I have already begun to pray for the Holy Spirit to begin its work in this ordination committee  to prepare their hearts for this interview. This interview is most likely a year or more from now. So pray for me and this group of people who will be deciding my future as a pastor in the Christian Church, Disciples of Christ. Thanks. Grace and pieces, gc

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