Happy Friday!
What a day!! Geni ended up with two interviews today and has two more scheduled for Monday afternoon. She has 4 days of substituting scheduled for next week and is still working at Starbucks. She is one busy lady!! Please continue to pray for her as she goes through this series of interviews. She messaged me throughout the day beginning as I sat in class. I did take notes during my history class, but I do not remember what I wrote. This has been an emotionally draining day for all of us. She should hear from someone very soon as these principals are anxious to get these teachers in place. One very poignant moment in her first interview this morning happened when the vice principal asked why she left Stephen F. Austin University. Geni flashed the vice principal the “ax ‘em jacks” sign, then she told them about Casey. Around here we don’t go but a few sentences when talking about Casey before we are in a heap, but Geni said it was okay. We are so proud of her and are very anxious about getting her employed. Keep on praying! And thank you all for all of your prayers. God is so good!
Fun occurrence today. After I finished classes today Bruce met me in Fort Worth and we went to see Geni at her Starbucks in Sundance Square in Fort Worth. While walking down the sidewalk, who do we meet but “SuperFrog”, the mascot from TCU. He was very kind and very tall!!! He was also really great and allowed us to have our picture made with him. That was really fun!
And lastly at this writing…it is raining. WOW!
Bruce also did some work for one of his clients today. It was very light work and well within his restrictive allowances. He said it really felt good to work again. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
Prayer: “Father, help me not to be deceived by my spiritual Enemy today. Encourage me to live in Your truth and to be thankful for Your perfect gift of eternal life. Amen.”
James 1: 16-18 “Do not be deceived my beloved brethren. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation, or shadow of turning. Of His own will He brought us forth by the word of truth, that we might be a kind of first fruits of his creatures.”
This has been an exciting few days around our house with Geni’s interviews for teaching. Since there did not appear to be any outside hiring of teachers going on, we encouraged Geni to get on the substitute list and make herself available for long term positions. This would serve two purposes. First, it would get her valuable experience and second, this experience would allow a principal to see her in action with children in a classroom so when a position came available she would be first available to be hired. Imagine our surprise when FWISD contacted her with available teaching positions and an invitation to interview. We believe God has given her these opportunities.
God gives His children right things (including opportunities). We are claiming this opportunity as right for Geni and a gracious gift from God. We are surrendering her to His care and keeping. We are praying for her placement in the school that is best for her. The phrase “every good and perfect gift” tells us that anything God provides is everything it is intended to be—complete and lacking nothing. We have been given the gift of being created in the “likeness” of God and in that likeness we are to reflect our Creator. I think this means that we are set apart and belonging to God as well as the gifts are a continual reminder that there is more to come.
God gave us His greatest gift in the life of Jesus. The gift of Jesus in our lives is so large that it must be shared with others. When you get the opportunity, share this gift of Jesus with someone. Tell someone about the gifts and blessings you have received from a loving and compassionate Lord and how Jesus has changed your life.
Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes. Count your blessings and say your prayers. Please continue to lift Geni and those with whom she interviews in prayer and remember little Tatum when you pray. She had a spinal tap today and seems to have done really well. She is on day 16 out of 28 days on steroid and chemotherapy. Love you all and thanks again for being amazing prayer warriors. Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.
I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am only moved by what I believe and I believe God.
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