Sunday, April 3, 2011

Blessed Sunday to you all!

Bruce arrived safely home this evening and said the weekend was totally awesome! Thank you for all of your prayers!

This morning Pastor Joel preached a completely amazing sermon. He preached about the importance of the table. The roots of the family table began during the early days of the church where families gathered at their local places of worship, brought food and pushed tables together for a meal. The Romans and Greeks would pass by and wonder why all of these different people would want to eat together. I imagine they looked just like a big family. (Hacked Emperor Nero off large!)

God wanted us to be a different kind of family; a family that is One in Christ. This family has become one because of the love and forgiveness of Christ. Pastor Joel talked about how few families eat together at the table now. Eating together at the table brings us all together for a few minutes in the presence of God and reminds us that we are the children of God with Christ as our brother.

Those of you who have been reading this writing for a while know what the table means to this family. The year during Casey’s illness we gave up our dining room and the table to accommodate his hospital bed and large amount of equipment. We sort of ate around in the living room/dining room. After Casey’s death we were given a table and began to eat around the table once again. We haven’t missed too many nights sitting at the table since.

Pastor Joel spoke of the reconciliation that Christ can provide through the table. Then the coolest thing happened this afternoon. I began to watch Diary of a Mad Black Woman. There were two families portrayed that were in need of reconciliation because of some very deep hurts. At the end of the movie you see these families gathered around a table being led in prayer by the oldest son. Once again God reconciled a family around a table.

My friends, God has enough love to heal the brokenness of our hearts and lives. He welcomes us to the table of grace. We can come and be forgiven and learn to forgive others while dining on His love, forgiveness and grace for all eternity. Have dinner with your family soon and invite Jesus to your table.

Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes. Count your blessings and say your prayers. When you pray, remember to lift each other up. Remember that each of us fights some type of battle. Love you all, and enjoy your dinner! Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

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