Friday, February 25, 2011

Happy Thursday!

I have decided the Groundhog’s prediction for an early spring has come to pass. The past several days have been so beautiful that recess has gotten just a bit longer each day. I really have to watch the clock or we will still be outside at 3:00! Please continue to pray for the educators and those who make decisions about the future of education.

Prayer: “Some soul for Thee, oh God, some soul for Thee—this is indeed my earnest plea. I ask You to allow me the privilege and entrust to me the responsibility of leading some soul to You this very day. I can’t wait to see how You use me today! Amen.”

2 Corinthians 5: 18 “And all things are of God, who has reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and has given to us the ministry of reconciliation.”

We had a wonderful evening last night. Bruce’s brother Dale was in town and came for dinner. When we found out he was coming I immediately began to plan the dinner. We divided up the chores and cleaned house in preparation for our Memphis guest. It was such a tender moment after dinner as Dale said his good-byes to see brothers hug just a little longer. The evening was filled with love, joy, laughter and a good deal of catching up.

God has called us to welcome all who have been sent by Him. God did not tell us to welcome only those we know or those we like or those with whom we agree. God says, “ALL”. We are called to welcome those with love in our hearts. When we welcome one of God’s children (and we are all God’s children) we need to welcome them in the hand of fellowship with the love of God so strong in our hearts that those now strangers will want to return to find out more about God in whom we live and learn and love. This morning in my drive time devotion it spoke about trustworthiness in the One who controls our lives. No matter whom God places in our path, it is incumbent upon each of us to share the love of God with them. Perhaps the one whom God sends to us needs to reconnect with the Father and we are the vessels He is going to use to restore a broken relationship.

A fancy dinner and a clean house may not be what is needed. Perhaps just a cup of coffee (everything is better with coffee), a morning text message from a friend (thanks Carme!) a listening ear and an open heart is all God needs to channel His love to the one who is in need of the healing.

Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes. Count your blessings and say your prayers. Let us continue to lift each other up in prayer daily remembering that everyone is fighting some sort of battle. Love you all dear friends and mighty prayer warriors, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

Prayer alert: Most likely within the next year Bruce will face an aortic valve replacement. The latest update is that the normal human heart valve opens about 2.5 centimeters. Bruce opens 0.9 cm due to calcifcation. The options are a mechanical heart valve and take Coumadin for the remainder of his life, or a pig valve, no Coumadin and another replacement in 15 years. The good news is that Bruce is in good physical shape and his recovery time should be 2-3 weeks. Unless it is merited the doc will continue to monitor with sonograms and other testing. If his number changes to 0.7 the doctor schedules the surgery. Another sonogram is scheduled in 6 months.

I give thanks that God has kept Bruce strong along this journey and will continue to keep him strong. Please keep Bruce in your prayers. Thank you friends, gc

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