Saturday, March 20, 2010

Happy Saturday and first day of spring!

I read the other day that if you see someone wearing shorts, flip flops and a parka you might live in Texas. I think I may have seen that today while at the grocery store. Only in Texas would we have snow on the first day of spring when only the night before it was warm enough to eat dinner out on the deck. Go figure! Our cars and yard are covered in white and at this writing it is still snowing. It is really pretty and really cold!

Psalm 40:8 “I delight to do Your will, O my God.”

I work for a living. I have a boss. She is quite wonderful. We are friends, but the bottom line is she is my boss. I do not always agree with her decisions, but it is not my place to agree or disagree. It is my place to do my job to the best of my ability and when asked by her to perform a task to do so without argument or question. If I do not comply with her directions then I will find myself in trouble and my job might be in jeopardy. I would be acting with foolish pride if I did not do what was asked of me. Now, the flip side of this is that I must trust her to make decisions that are not compromising to my ethical values. And it really does not matter what is asked of me whether it is seemingly small or a great task, as long as I do what I am asked then I am following the instructions of my leader.

Being obedient to God should be just like this. But I think that sometimes because God is not a physical presence and we may not hear an audible voice we tend to bargain with the Father and desire for Him to form to our will instead of confessing Thy will be done. So if God asks me to do something small or large it really doesn’t matter as long as I accomplish the task before me I am acting in obedience. I need to follow as if I have no choice in the matter. But sometimes that gift of free will gets in the way and I choose another path.

The good news is that, unlike an employer, God might discipline us, but God will never fire us or remove us from the circle of His love. God forgives and sets us once again on the path and hopes we will learn our lesson. God is relentless in the lessons He has for us to learn. I believe that if we don’t learn a lesson one way or act on His instruction obediently then God continues to try other ways until we get it. Wouldn’t our lives be a lot easier if we just said, “Here am I, send me.?” Let us make God our only choice.

Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes, count your blessings and say your prayers. See you in worship and love you lots, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

There has been no change in Noelle’s condition in Corpus Chrisi.

Prayer of thanksgiving: Bruce and company arrived home safely after driving in blowing snow from Bowie to Wichita Falls. Thank you for your prayers. Peace, gc

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