Sunday, March 28, 2010

Blessed Palm Sunday and Holy Week to each of you.

Hello friends, forgive me for not writing last evening. Bruce and I needed a break. So last night we closed our door and watched a movie uninterrupted. It was really nice. We have been so busy lately with so many things that we haven’t spent time together. Between teaching school, going to school, taking care of a family, participating in a wedding, directing a student teacher, participating in the Kairos prison ministry, having papers to write etc…we haven’t taken some time for us. This week we will be preparing for our family to visit on Saturday when we will celebrate the Easter family gathering. We have several things to do in preparation for their arrival. If everyone invited gets to come there will be 21 for lunch.

Today, I planted spring flowers and used them to decorate the front porch. I found some beautiful petunias, some purple daisies, a salmon colored geranium, yellow impatiens and a beautiful dark pink verbena. Due to my new found passion for cooking, healthier and better, Bruce helped me put in a Topsy-Turvy tomato planter today and in it I planted two roma tomato plants. I will let you know how it works. If it works well I may try the strawberry and pepper planters. I would really like to put in a small vegetable garden on the side of the house. We will see…

Ecclesiastes 3:1 Everything on earth has its own time and its own season.”

Today I planted tomatoes. I really love tomatoes. I like to eat them with just a bit of salt and pepper. I like to eat them with cottage cheese. I love them in salad, soup and I love them instead of tomato sauce on the pizza I make. If I had my way those tomatoes would be ready tomorrow; red, ripe, fully mature and ready to be picked and eaten. But I know that tomatoes just like everything that has to grow, and growing takes time.

I want my tomatoes to grow quickly. Nature will have them grow firm, red, ripe and full of flavor in their own time. They will not be ready for their purpose until they are fully mature.

I think we are sort of the same way in our spiritual lives. We always want to grow quickly and have all of the answers to our questions right now instead of working through the problems and learning our lessons well. God is not concerned about how fast we grow. He concerns Himself about how strong we grow in learning His Word and then applying it to our own discipleship. Our discipleship is simply growing in more Christ like ways each day so eventually, just like my tomatoes, we will be made ready for our purpose as God directs. (I think my tomatoes will be ready before then!) Our journey for spiritual strength and maturity will take a lifetime. But with the right care we will become a little more like Him each day.

Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes, count your blessings and say your prayers. Love you all and have a blessed Holy Week. Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

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