Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Happy Monday!

I must share a funny happening from my classroom today. I was giving a semester Science test to the children in my classroom. A couple of the questions had the possible response of “A roll of film.” Hands shot in the air with the question “Mrs. Chrystie, What is a roll of film?” I laughed about this all day. All these children know is a digital camera.

John 10:4 “And the sheep follow Him; for they know His voice.”

As most of you know I teach first grade. Most of the children whom I teach come to my class being able to read to some degree. The issue comes about when we leave actual reading instruction and go on to another content area. They forget that reading is reading no matter what the subject matter is. So when we leave reading instruction and go on to math or science or other area they look at the words very puzzled and I have to say “remember you can read.”

God calls us to remember that He has spoken to us and He will continue to speak to us. We just need to be conscious of His Presence even when we don’t hear His Voice. We need to abide in that Presence remembering that He promised not to leave us or forsake us. Just because we cannot hear God speaking or God is quiet does not mean that He is not with us.

Think of meeting with God in the morning (for me it would be with coffee!) and through a time with the Word, prayer and listening for our “marching orders” for the day. Then ask for guidance, wisdom and strength to carry out the work for the day.

Let us try to listen eagerly and with joy for God’s voice and remember that he has spoken to us and He will continue to speak to us by His promise and out of His desire to have relationship with us!

Take joy in the journey, wear comfortable shoes. Count your blessings and say your prayers. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.


I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

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