Friday, August 28, 2009

Happy Friday!

Tonight you get a double posting. For some reason Bruce did not receive my Thursday night’s posting, so it is going out at the time of this writing and I am currently writing Friday’s entry.

Just a couple of things: First, my best friend Carme Russell is having some corrective breast surgery this Tuesday. Please keep her in your prayers. Shaleena, Carme's and Dave's daughter, does not have to be back in school in Washington state until mid-September, so she can help out before she has to go back to school. David is still bed bound most of the time, but is healing well.

Second, this is a school funny. Today my class was going up the stairs to Music and a third grade class was coming down the stairs headed to Science. One of the Fourth grade boys was carrying his large three ring notebook and his Science book on his head and I overheard him say “Boy, my head hurts!” Now I know we are not supposed to be sarcastic with the kids but before I could stop myself I said, “You think!?” I completely cracked up. I have gone into a fit of giggles every time I thought about the episode.

John 12:26 “If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be; if any man serve me, him will My Father honor.”

When you came into relationship with Christ did you think you would be entering into a life of service? I don’t think I thought about that when I prayed to receive Christ at age15. I just knew I felt a love like no other, my sins had been forgiven and that my place in heaven was secured. But to enter a life of servanthood means that we follow the laws of Jesus every day and in every way. Being a servant of Christ does not just belong to the pastors in our churches. God has servants in heaven. His servants are the angels He created to bring messages of truth and act in love. Do you know any “angels” here on earth that match that description?

I think being a servant of God means that we do, to the best of our ability, whatever God wills for our lives and that we share what God has done in our lives with others. We don’t have to serve in a land far away or stand on a street corner and scream the gospel to those driving by. Being a servant just means going where He wants us to go, doing what He wants us to do and saying what He wants us to say to show His love for us and for each other is continuous. Just because we complete a task does not mean we are finished. Each time Jesus calls us into His service it is a new beginning and we have new lessons to learn. Living our lives each day dedicated to living a godly life is a life of service.

A servant goes without question and does his master’s bidding. Do we have enough faith to be a servant of Christ? Is our commitment to the Great Commission - to go and make all disciples…baptizing in the name of Jesus - strong enough to cause us to humble ourselves and faithfully be a servant of Christ every day? As Geni says, “Just throwing it out there…”

Please pray for our friends, the Banks family, as they celebrate the life of Rhonda’s father tomorrow.

Take joy in your journey. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

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