Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy Monday! Shortly after spring break a group of teachers at my school began to meet once a week before school for prayer, share and a brief study in the Word. We are continuing this practice through the summer but instead of meeting at school we are meeting in homes. Tuesday we are meeting at my house. I hope it will still be cool enough at 10:00 to eat, pray, share and study outside. Our time together has only two rules; (1) whatever is said within the group stays within the group and (2) in this time together we are sisters in Christ without any other titles or positions. We keep a payer journal and choose prayer partners for the coming week. It is a time we have all come to treasure. During the school year we all agree it helps each of us to begin our day better and more focused.

Psalm140:6-7 “Listen, Lord, to my cry for help. Lord God my strong Savior. You shield my head on the day of battle.”

A devotional magazine I was reading spoke of the storms of life. We don’t know when the storms of life will come, but storms are guaranteed. In John 16:33, Jesus said, “You will have suffering in the world.” All we can do is ask God to prepare us for the storm, to shape our character in faith and to grow during the storm. Each of us knows someone who has gone through or is going through some type of tough time. We ourselves have gone through difficult journeys and will walk rocky uneven paths in our lives.

So here is the plan for weathering each storm:

First, remember how much God loves us. If we anchor ourselves to Him and stay in the eye of the storm then the storm will rage around us then God will protect us with His mighty arm and outstretched arm.

Second, stay connected to God in prayer. Talk to God throughout the day making your requests known to Him.

Third, stay in the Word. The Word is where we learn the heart of God and get to know the character of God. The Word is the vehicle through which God speaks to His people.

Last, even when we would like to hide and be alone during the time of trial, seek out other believers and surround yourselves with the love of God through His people, accepting help when it is needed.

Our prayer group is learning to trust one another in ways other than just through the bonds of being colleagues. We are learning to trust and love each others as loving sisters in Christ. So sisters, welcome to our home, and take joy in the journey.

Love you all so very much. Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

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