Friday, June 26, 2009

Happy Friday! Today I received a phone call from a friend who was asking me about praying for someone. In the conversation I learned that there were some past hurts with this person that have never been reconciled. The person in need of prayer was heading for surgery.

Acts 7: 60 “He fell on his knees and cried in a loud voice, “Lord do not hold this sin against them.” I could not believe this scripture was going to be my meditation tonight.

Dear friend, I hope this helps. The fact is that even though there are those who hurt us and hurt us so deeply, God loves those people just as much as He loves us. As long as we carry around unforgiveness in our heart it is like placing our hearts in a box and closing the lid. When we do not forgive we live in darkness. Does being angry, desiring to even the score or even hating someone solve anything? When I am feeling these feelings I am the one living in sin and these feelings separate me from the love of the God who loves me so much that He chose to die to show His love and forgiveness for my sins.

When I forgive someone who hurt me and especially someone who hurt me so deeply that I think the wounds will never heal, it is like opening the box and letting in the light. The light is the light of God’s love.

It is not my job to judge someone; God says that is His job. But because I have been forgiven so completely by the work of the cross through the death of Jesus, it is my job to reflect the light of God’s love on all I meet, especially those who have caused hurt in my life. I know when it is hard for me to love and forgive someone who has hurt me or someone I love (especially someone who has hurt someone I love) I ask God to forgive them and love them for me until I am able.

I have had many things occur in my life that were not fair. In the last year and a half I have learned that life is not fair and sometimes tough times come. I am sure all of us have had unfair things occur. But God never promised a life of fairness. He did promise to be with us through the times that are hard. When friends and loved ones fail us or bail on us, God’s love is still there for us.

Go to God in prayer when the hurt is there. Seek His comfort in His Word and His loving arms of promise will heal your broken heart.

Take joy in the journey. Love you all and stay cool, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

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