Monday, August 4, 2014

Greetings from Austin Street
Happy Monday!  All is well here at 811. We have had the nicest day!  I have family in Mountain Home, Arkansas who drove through Sherman today. Dad called and asked if we wanted to join them for lunch. We met at Dad’s favorite restaurant and had a delicious lunch and great time of reunion with family we do not see very often. Ken (my brother) mentioned that we were getting together without anyone being in the hospital, ill or passing. We really need to do this more often!

The candle is lit…

Dear God, help me to do with my life what you are doing in my life. Thank you for bringing sunlight into my soul with the unexpected visit with family.  Being with family renews my spirit. You have blessed me with a family of faith that raised me as they were raised in faith so that I might raise my own family to know and love you. Thank you Lord for remaining with us always and even though time and geography separates us, we are always connected to each other by your love. I love you Lord, in Jesus’ name, amen.

The opening sentence of my meditation tonight states, “Finding leads to following.” I had to ponder that statement and ask myself this question, “When God is working in my life am I paying attention and following His lead?”  For a while this summer I found myself sitting still and not moving forward finding excuses not to move forward.  I have had some time to think during cancer treatment and recovery and realize that God has been shaping me for His purpose. It is now my job to seek to fulfill that purpose with the person I am, what I do and where I am going.

Another sentence in my meditation tonight speaks of a man who was stopped at a traffic light and read a bumper sticker on the back of the car in front of him. It read, “Are you following Jesus this close?”  A question for each of us to ponder.  What will it take for us to follow Jesus so closely that the work being done in our lives by the power of the Holy Spirit to manifest itself into service for the kingdom?  Just askin’…

“If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.”
Matthew 16: 24

Take joy in the journey praying as you go and follow Jesus. Wear comfortable shoes and get some sleep. Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene

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