Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Greetings from Austin Street
Happy Tuesday!  All is well here at 811. I spent the day with Geni in her classroom helping her set up. She has 17 bulletin boards and they all had to be covered. It was my first time to work in her room. It was interesting being the helper. She has helped me in my room for a long time. It was a joy, a very exhausting joy, but a joy none the less. She is going to have a wonderful year. 

Dear God, I do praise you! Thank you for giving me a positive attitude that I hope brings you glory.  Practicing praise strengthens me and brings me great joy.  Sometimes practicing praise is not very easy, but Lord you know I always try to find the blessing in the circumstance in which I find myself. Bless my family. Keep them healthy, happy and strong in their faith in you. Thank you Lord for the blessings of each new day. I love you Lord, in Jesus’ name, amen.

Yes, it is a late writing tonight. Each night before Bruce and I put head to pillow and turn out the light we have a brief devotional. There is a scripture and a reflection on that scripture. Last night the passage was from Isaiah 55 and it spoke of the mouth. It said basically that the words that come from our mouth will not come back empty and without succeeding in the matter for which it was sent.  I really pondered that statement for most of today. Here is what I believe that statement to me.  Isaiah knew he was called to be God’s mouthpiece and to speak God’s word to the people. He was “God ordained” as a prophet to fulfill a mission. He knew that in order for him to be faithful to God’s call on his life that he must surrender his mouth to God. The voice that God gave him must be returned back to God. 

As one who is seeking ordination in the ministry of Christ’s church then God’s plan for me is to carry his word to the people too. For me, those powerful words can be a song, a written word or the spoken word in sermon. But what I must remember is that the words do not belong to me. The words belong to God.  I believe that God wants us to practice praise. When we surrender our mouths to the One who has given us voice then praise should be easy …right?  Well,  most of the time yes, and then sometimes no. I call it the practice of praise. I believe we do what we practice. If we practice praise then praise comes a little easier and we can help others to find ways to praise. Practicing praise strengthens us and brings us joy.  But, if we practice complaint we will be controlled by defeat and sadness. 

Practicing praise is not silly naïve fluffy words with no foundation. Practicing praise is claiming the unfailing love of God in our lives and his faithfulness forever. So my friends find ways to praise. My Mamo never said an unkind word about anyone in her precious life, but I am pretty sure if she were asked about Satan she would have said, “Well, he is persistent.”  God is good and love wins!

“Lord Most High! It is wonderful and each morning to tell about your love and at night to announce how faithful you are.”
Psalm 92: 1-2
“You make me so happy God. I saw  your work and I shouted for joy. How magnificent your work, God! How profound your thoughts.”
Psalm 92: 4-5

Take joy in the journey praying and praising as you go. Wear comfortable shoes and get some sleep. Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene

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