Sunday, July 6, 2014

Greetings from Austin Street
Blessed Sunday to you all!  All is well here at 811. 

Dear God, thank you for including everyone in the reach of your embracing love.  Forgive me for the times I have compromised my testimony of your love. I know what is right, and I ask that you help me to live in step with your truth.  I thank you that your truth is that each of us live, move and exist inside the greatness of your love.  Thank you God that you have given me a voice with which to sing your praises so that when I cannot speak your words of love I can sing of your love, truth and sing your praises.  I love you Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Knowledge and words have power.  If you raised children in your home you know what intuitive little sponges they are as little ones. They are smart enough to listen and repeat things that we as adults say. Sometimes these things they say are not always the good things we wish they would say and often laugh at the sophisticated phrases that come out of the mouth of a three year old.  It is at times like these we are reminded that what we say has meaning and those who look up to us believe that our words are worthy of repeating.  (Sometimes we are the only Bibles people ever read.)

I am not a child. So now I am responsible for setting the example for others to follow in their life with their relationships with God. God has commanded us in scripture to set His Word as our standard of living. We are to do our very best to be as obedient as we can be.  As believers in Christ we are expected to set a godly pattern for those with whom we come into contact especially those with who we love and live.  We follow the example of Christ in love, forgiveness, service, kindness following His holy example of honorable character.  I claim the words of the old hymn, “Chief of sinners though I be, Jesus Christ still died for me.”  In these words I find the power of forgiveness, grace and the call to try again. 

“I am an example to many people because you are my strong protection.”
Psalm 71:7
Take joy in the journey and give thanks that no matter what we are always held in the embracing love of God. Wear comfortable shoes, get some sleep and forgive someone today even if it is yourself!  Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene

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